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Camilo whipped his head around to find none other than Isabela standing before him. A scared expression started to form on his face. What would she do to him now that she finally had him in her grasp?

“So you HAVE  been stealing my makeup, you little twat!” Isabela shouted, hands on her hips with the angriest expression the shapeshifter had ever seen on her elegant face.

Camilo held up his hands innocently, dropping all the makeup supplies he had held. He was afraid. He didn't want this to happen.

“I-Isa!!-- That's not what I was doing, I was gonna just borrow it, I was gonna give it back-!”

As he exasperated his plan, he felt the vines getting tighter around his feet. This caused him to land on the flower-scattered floor with a thud. He felt more vines wrapping around his body as he tried sitting up from the floor.

“Why have you been stealing my makeup, you're wasting it??! You literally have no use for it!”

Camilo stayed silent. Of course Isabela didn't know he was applying her makeup. She was too wrapped up in being such a perfect Barbie doll. Of fucking course.

He sighed and looked at the fallen makeup appliances, then at his cousin.

“I use it.. It makes me feel nice--!” mumbled the shapeshifter, with rather a smile on his face.

Wearing subtle makeup made him feel better about himself. Better about what he saw in the mirror.

But all Isabela did was laugh. Look down at her tangled up relative and laugh.

“You, wearing makeup? Please, that's funnier than your stupid jokes!!”

Sadness began to form on Camilo's face. Ouch, that hurt. A lot. So much so that tears started to well in his eyes.

“It isn't a joke!” Camilo shouted, trying to wipe his forming in his eyes.

Again, Isabela snickered at stared at him. Like he was the biggest fuck up in the whole world.

“Aren't you a boy? Boys don't wear makeup. You aren't a girl! What even are you??”

Camilo began to sob. He expected a thorough yell and lecture for sure. But this? This wasn't what he expected, he didn't want this.

The vines felt tighter around his body. He moved, trying to struggle his way off of the grip of the vines. But it didn't work. He eventually gave up and kept sobbing.

“Please, I'm sorry..!- Just stop, please.--” murmured Camilo in between heavy breaths and cries.

“Whatever, don't steal my makeup again, stupid. Don't use it either, it probably looks bad on you, CAMILO.

Isabela raised her hand and loosened the vines holding Camilo down. The shapeshifter looked his cousin in the eyes with his blurred vision, still sobbing. Isabela had a smile on her face, after it all.

He weakly rose up from his position, fear still remaining in his eyes. He rushed to the door of Isabela's room, opened it and run away, into his room.

As he did so, he bumped into Dolores and Mirabel.

“Sorry.--” Camilo shouted, rising up from his fall and continuing his rush to his room. Tears still streamed down his face.

As he reached his door, the two put the pieces together. That Camilo was crying, hurt. The two sped after him, trying to get him before anything got worse.

Before he managed to close the door, Mirabel and Dolores weaseled into the room. But he didn't notice. He was already sitting on his bed, curled into a ball. Crying.

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