Avengers Meet Their Actors Pt.1

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HELLOOOOOOO wandering_samurai!!!!!! i'm sorry for taking so long again, but this concept is pretty vast, so I've decided to split it into parts so that every character gets the attention they deserve! hope u like it anyways!

"You mean we can travel to a different universe?!" Peter Parker exclaimed excitedly. 

"Yes. And that's exactly what we're doing. Now, in order to make sure things stay smooth, I need you to calm down and help us build the machine." Tony said, smiling at him, as did Bruce, Shuri, Harley, and Scott. 

"Cool! I can do that! Yep! Definitely!" Tony rolled his eyes, handing Peter a piece of chewing gum to distract him. 

"Hey Mr. Stark, I didn't understand one thing, why are we doing this again?" Peter asked. 

"Strange wants to understand more about the multiverse or something like that. He can't send this many people at once, so he's turning to science, his first love." Tony said, exaggerating the last bit, but it made the teens laugh, so he considered the joke a success. 


"Alright, everyone ready?" Tony asked the rest of the Avengers standing in the large circle with him. They all cheered agreements and then snapped their helmets on.

Nat, Steve, Bruce, Tony, Clint, Thor, Stephen Strange, Wong, Shang-Chi, Peter Parker, Peter Quill, Yelena, Kate, Carol, Sam, Loki, and Wanda were coming on the little trip. Some of them because they weren't sure if powers would be needed, and some because they were bored, but most of them stayed behind to take care of the headquarters. 

"Anddddd, we're here, headcount, everyone!" Tony stated. After making sure that they were all there, they checked their surroundings. They were surrounded by screaming people, all taking photos of them. They were in Times Square. 

"I LOVE YOU ROBERT! IRON MAN IS THE BEST!" someone yelled particularly loudly. 

"What in Odin's beard is going on?" Loki asked, confused. As soon as he spoke, his voice was drowned out by the sound of hundreds of cheers for him. Huh, he thought. Maybe this universe isn't so bad.

"Can someone please tell us what's going on? Is there a Fury in this universe?" Bruce tried to say and got just as loud cheers. Nat and Yelena finally looked up from their phones. 

"They're freaking out because to them we're not Avengers, but we are at the same time," Nat stated, sporting a disinterested look on her face. 

"What do you mean?" Quill asked, confused. 

"Look. To them, we're actors in the Avengers movie." Yelena said, showing them her phone. Tony expanded it to hologram mode, and everyone in their 'audience' gasped with wonder. They still thought it was a show. 

"It seems that we are going to have to find these...actors, then," Shang-Chi stated. The older Avengers nodded. Tony somehow hacked into some spaces and found out the location of where the Avengers were shooting. A studio in Atlanta. 

They teleported out of there using Steve and Wong's magic, reaching and landing right in the middle of the set...just as they were about to yell action. 

"Woah" muttered Anthony and Joe Russo. 

"Uh, we need to have a word with everyone?" Steve stated. They called cut, and they were taken along with the actors to another side of the set where there were trailers and more set up. 

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