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TW: panic attacks, mild violence and blood

I've been perfecting this fic for a while now, ik its farrrrrr from Christmas but I'm proud of the writing on this one. i hope u enjoying reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it!

i will be getting to requests soon, since i finally have mental health once again (ikr, so crazy!!!) so yes, just wait for some time more and ill get to them asap! :D

enjoy! :D


Christmas. A time meant for joy, family, good things to happen! But not everyone had one. That included Natasha.

Her first Christmas that she could remember, she was 7, and HYDRA sent her on her first mission. She was sent to kill the child of a wealthy businessman, so that his business could be brought down, because what was a company without its heir?

But she couldn't go through with it. She couldn't kill the boy with the innocent smile. So HYDRA gave her a punishment. They sent her to the gas chamber and kept her in there for about 30 minutes. When she somehow survived, they sent her on the mission once again, and when she refused to kill the boy once again, she was given torture through electricity.

Every Christmas after that, she had bad memories. Christmas became a time of dread and pain, not happiness and candy.

It was only after she joined the Avengers that she realized that she didn't need to feel as alone anymore, but she still chose to. She volunteered to go on every mission involving saving someone during the holidays, practically overworking herself.

Fury definitely noticed it, but chose not to push, knowing she had been through some hard things. He knew there would come a time that she would have to face her trauma, but he decided to let her deal with it when she chose to.

After the battle of the Endgame, Steve got her back to life. He went to Vormir, and put the stone back in place in exchange for Natasha's soul back, he also got Gamora back, seeing as she was trapped in the stone as well. Both the girls were grateful.

He also made her promise that she would stick around for Christmas with the rest of them this time. And Nat, being in a good mood at that time, had agreed. Now, she regretted agreeing so easily. But Steve saw it and was determined to change her mind.


She stood apart from everyone else, watching the hustle and bustle around, cleaning and whatnot so that they could start decorating.

There were a lot of kids/young adults there. Peter Parker, his friends Ned and MJ, Cooper, Harley, Nathaniel, Lila, Shuri, Morgan, Groot, Tommy, Billy, AJ, Cass, and Cassie. Yelena and Kate were left as 'babysitters', seeing as they were the youngest adults on the team at their 20's. 

Just for their entertainment, Tony and Pepper had bought tons of instant snow boxes, so once the floors were swept and shiny, the kids excitedly took out the powder and poured it all over the snow, and then grabbed a water hose pipe and sprayed it all over the snow, watching with fascination as it got absorbed and transformed into 'snow'. They immediately had a snowball fight all over the room, and Nat had to admit it wasn't too bad.

"Alright, it's time to decorate the tree!" Pepper announced as the adults brought over tons of boxes of decorations. The tree was so big that it touched the ceiling! From the first floor all the way to the second!

"Petey, I wanna put the star!" Morgan whined, tugging on his arm. He smiled, picking her up in his arms and walking on the walls till they were upside down on the tree. She smiled once it was placed. Then Peter jumped back down and put her on the floor. He looked normal. His body was used to being upside down. In fact, most of the time, he lived upside down! But Morgan didn't. She wasn't walking straight for a few minutes, and her hair was all over the place. It was quite funny!

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