+Chapter 3+

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"First time?" Cobra asked. Storm was sitting in front of the fresh kill pile, Getting ready to try her first piece of prey. 

"Yes!" Storm mewed quivering with excitement.

"Here try this, we can't travel to our new home on empty bellies." Blink Mewed before passing her a plump pigeon. Storm smiled.

"Hey, don't expect Cats in this Group To do this for you," Cobra mewed.

Don't expect random acts of kindness.  Storm Drilled into her brain before biting into the juicy Pidgeon.  Silt trudged into camp.

"Silt!"  Storm cried before running off to her mother. She had A Wren, A mouse, and Three Shrews. But her Snowy white pelt was now muddy brown. Storm stopped before reaching her mother. 

Take care of yourself before others, Whining will only get you in trouble and its not good for the Group... Storm backed away. Her stomach was growling with hunger. She turned her back and took the Pidgeon again to eat it.

Storm felt her mother's Gaze burn on her back. Darktail glanced at her and the two met eyes. He smiled and nodded.

The White and black molly felt a rush of pride that Darktail Thought she did the right thing.

"Your back," Darktail nodded to Rain and Raven to get some rest. Their pelts looking unscratched. 

Storm sat down next to Hornet who had recently returned from a hunting lesson. Moth was there Aswell.

"Oh, hi storm! you going to finish that?" Moth asked.

"Yes, I am." Storm mewed remembering what Cobra said.

"Wow! Darktail is Definitely Make you a Protector soon!" Hornet Laughed.

"You really think that?" Storm asked. Ivy came over.

"Here's a tip, expect disappointment and you'll never be disappointed." Ivy mewed.

"Don't be such a Mope Crow," Moth mewed.

Storm felt a happy feeling in her chest. This was her Group This is where she belonged.

                                                          This was her home.

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