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It's been a long day

Taking care of patients running things up from the emergency room it's around 8pm and my shift is over.

I walk along the shiny floors taking in the smell of the hospital clean sheets mixed with sterile equipment, I make my way to the reception of the ward.

"Lauren!" Julie the receptionist calls from behind the desk as I check out on the screen.

"Hey Julie! Good to see you" julies always been nice she's an older lady and has been here ever since I started to it's nice to have her around, always make sure to chat about our office crushes in our lunch breaks.

"Long day?" Julie asks looking down at her computer and putting in some information one of the nurses just handed her.

"Yeh ready to go home and chill, what about you haven't seen you all day?" I asked curiously as she wasn't there this morning like she usually is to greet me.

"Yeh I'm on the night shifts this week" she states not seeming to happy about it.

"Oh well enjoy I'll see you tomorrow" I say as I walk down the hall toward the exit grabbing my bag from the empty staff room on the way.

I make my way towards to elevators and press the button to the parking garage.

I bring out my phone and browse through Instagram before long the chime of the elevator goes and the doors open revealing the grey parking garage.

It's quite empty at this time of night which makes it easier to find my car.

I press the key hearing the noise in the distance as I make my way toward it. I open the back door placing my bag on the back seat shutting the door after.

I make my way to the drivers seat opening the door and getting in, the smell of sweet vanilla air freshener fills the tesla as I turn on the engine pulling out of the parking space.

It's about a 20 minute drive home through the city of New York this is one of my favourite times to drive through the city, my favourite being around Christmas time when you can see you the Christmas lights and people full of Christmas cheer.

I've drive for around 10 minutes before my car slides on some ice from the October chill. I try to take control of the wheel and steer it back but it crashes into a building on the side of the road. Glass shatters the as the car makes impact.

Then everything goes black

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