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Harry's pov

"The ct scan all looks good dr. Styles , no damage to the head." Zayn tells me as I feel a wave of relief wash over me.

"Ok great thanks Zayn". Although her head wasn't the only thing I was worried about it was a relief to know everything looks normal.

I make my way back into the room to asses everything else and check for further damage.
One thing I love about this job that makes to years of medical school worth it is coming home at the end of the day knowing you've helped some people when they really needed it.

I put one had on the door handle and open it, clipboard in the other. The smell of cleanliness washes over my senses as my eyes adjust to the bright lights of the ER.

"Okay miss Anderson so there's no clear damage to your head and your levels all look normal which is a good sign, I've scheduled an x-ray for your back to check there's no damage but other than that everything looks great. I say while I do a check or her vitals.

"Thank you-" she suddenly stops as she wonders my name.

"Harry you can call me Harry" I say as she pensively stares up at my from her layer back position on the bed"

"Thank you Harry" she says with a small smile to her rosy lips.

Suddenly the door opens and in walks Zayn followed my a few nurses and an X-ray machine.

"What's going on" Lauren announces with a worried expression on her face feeling confused as nurses surround her for her X-ray.

"We're just gonna do a few X-rays of your back where the pain is to check it's nothing serious" I smile at her hoping it eases some worry and discomfort.

She simply gives me a look to say "okay" as we continue to set up.

"Ok so we're just gonna move you onto your side let us know if this causes you pain or discomfort miss Anderson" I state.

"Okay" she says as the nurses get ready to move her.

As we start to move her I move round to be able to asses her back for visible damage, she lets out a whine followed by a sob which causes me to halt any further movements rushing round to  meet her captivating green eyes.

"You okay Lauren" I ask with a worried tone as she struggles to maintain eye contact.

"It hurts" is all she manages to sob out.

"Would you like us to continue?" I ask her wanting her to be as comfortable as possible.

She starts to wine again unable to communicate with me as I worriedly check her vitals which look normal. I signal to the nurses to put her back down gaining another sob and grunt from Lauren in the process.

I weigh out my options deciding i need to asses for damage and the only way to do this is by sedating her.

"Okay Lauren so I'm gonna ask your permission to sedate you in order to get these X-rays done in a painless way for you, it won't hurt and should be over before you know it". I say staring pensively into her eyes as I explain my itinerary.

"Am I gonna be okay?" She asks with another sob which could either be from the pain or sadness or both.

"Yes everything gonna be fine it's a routine procedure your in great hands" I assure her.

"I'm scared" she sobs admitting her fears breaking through the facade of bravery she's been showing.

"I know but trust me I won't let anything happen to you" I assure her as one of the nurses hands me the sedative.

"Okay I trust you" she says while a tear drips down her rosy cheek landing on her chin, it takes all my strength not to wipe it away.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2022 ⏰

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