Rooftop Lovin

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And I thought my cousin's party was all out. You should check out what I'm seeing. Forget what I'm saying, it will do this place no justice. The retro-gading theme was spot on. The neon lights surrounding the court was kinda overselling it,but it doesn't matter. The students were all over the place. On my far left, fruit punch and smoothies were served. Next to it, the arcade games from Annie's were doing overtime. To my right, the ballot boxes were arranged to vote for the homecoming king and queen.

Like that mattered.

At the end of the court, the dj was playing some old recs, setting the right vibe. Though, I'd order a noise restriction in here.

Damn, it's loud in here.

The crowd though, was synching with the rhythm and the theme,most clad in retro clothing. Though not that retro.

Okay. Focus up. Mission first:Find her. For a girl with an easily recognizable face, she could make herself scarce at will. And right now, it ain't helping my situation. I asked around of her amongst the guys in the room. And now I see no one pays attention around here. Completely understandable, given the circumstances.

Just great!

I got to the ballot boxes only to find Amelia-her bestie-manning the station.

"Hey! You seen..."

"First cast a vote." And she wasn't asking for it either.

"Why should I? We already know who's winning anyways."

"Good point!"She shouted.

The dj turned up the beat and it became a noise bomb in here. Good thing humans have adapted another form of language and is very helpful in times like these. She pointed upwards and made a telescope gesture. That is right! The power of charades. I gave her a thumbs up and pushed my way through the Pacific Ocean of people around me.

I kinda forgot for a moment that the court is soundproof as I entered a quiet hallway. Eerily quiet. Felt like I'm in a movie right then,one you walk to the end of the hallway and you get jump scared by Pennywise. The slow steps I made added to the effect,echoing around me. I even feared breathing. Maybe Pennywise was at the end of the hall.

Screw it.

I kept walking until I was finally at the end of the hall. And howdy har har, it wasn't Pennywise at the end of the hall. Just the vying homecoming kind making out with the dj's girl. Classic movie indeed. And they were too busy eating their faces off, I slipped past 'em and walked on. Not like seeing this was a shock to me. Everyone already knew about this, though theybjept their mouths shut. So no surprises there. I'll let nature take its course on this one.

The rooftop ain't the easiest place to access, but, say in a zombie apocalypse or a shootout, tag it as your best option. It can be accessed via a heavy ladder. I do lifting myself, but even a deadlifter would fart if he tried to raise it off the ground. Lucky day for me, it was already erected and the rooftop hatch was open.

Ain't no way she could've....

I climbed up and felt the cool breeze smack my face. It wasn't that cold out,but wearing nothing more than a black, cotton shirt, you'd be freezing too. I heave my body up and left the hatch slightly ajar. The last thing I want is to trap us here. Hopefully no one will notice the erect ladder. Laced fruit punch will ensure that. I looked around. Been a while since I've been here. Ed's really are time killers. I forgot how fun being up here was.

There she was. And damn, was she looking cute. Her back was facing me, but still, her dress was nothing short if divine. The turquoise dress really brought it all together, just touching her knees. For over six months and I still don't know how she kept her legs toned and shapely. She hates gym class, or any other form of physical exercise rhyming with sports,though she is full of school spirit. Her navy blue leather jacket cloaked her but not her jet black hair which was flowing with the breeze. Why did she love it here?She brought me here this one time and.....

What am I saying to you.?I don't kiss and tell.

"Quite a spectacular view."

"It's why I come up here. You don't get better views than this." Her voice was soft but audible. A bit of her Spanish accent came out, but believe me, she is more Spanish than what she lets on others.

"I wasn't talking about the town."

What? Can't I flirt now?

I joined her and sat down on the ledge next to her. The building is two storeys high, so a fall won't be your ultimate demise. The whole school being based on a hill, the town below did look great, with the blinding lights and all that.

"Not enjoying the party?"

"Too crowded in there. And I have this..." Gesturing the view "...all to myself. Save for you...."

She looked to the town. Her fruit punch cup was on her left, emptied of its contents.The silence that followed was nice, surprisingly. Just me and her, acknowledging each other's presence.

"Hey....." She broke the silence. "...have you ever asked yourself if you should follow your heart, even if it is against your better judgment?"

Wait. What the hell!

No way she'd ever ask that. Maria is all logic and no feelings. She has been ever since I met her almost a year ago. If a computer were to ask you if it had feelings - though you can program it to think so-how would you begin to respond?She noticed my silence.

"... Like I want to but I don't know if I want to." Now she was even more confusing.And the worst part is she was dead serious too.

"What is stopping you then?"

"I don't know. Maybe I'm overthinking it. Maybe I'm acting out of reason. I don't want it to backfire on me. I don't like matters of the heart....."

"Basically, you are a robot." That earned me a giggle from her. She then sighed.

"I like him.....a lot.But I don't know if...."

".... If he feels the same way about you?" She had piqued my interest.

"I don't even know what to say if he was standing in front of me."

"Tell him." Imma be blunt with her, cause she is love sick. I'm no doctor either.

"Didn't you hear what I just said?"

"Then show him. It won't cost much. Besides embarrassment and a whole lotta regret and heartaches...." I didn't even notice at first how close we were to each other.

"You sure about it?"

"Action speaks louder than words. What's the worst that could happen?" Next thing I knew, I felt the taste of her lips on mine.

Strawberries. Nice choice. Why does it feel like I'm in heaven now?

I replayed her actions in kind, though I'm just
as new to it as she is-hopefully. She broke the kiss and saw some mischief in her eyes. I couldn't help but laugh. She did too.

"How long?"

"For a while now. You?"

"Since day one in the common room." Well, no need to lie to her now.

"So, a long while too?"

"Yes..... And yes." The smile she made nearly made me weak. How did I fall for her? You know what? I wasn't gonna question it. Another kiss was shared in the starry night. The rest is history.

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