Nami (Steve's Mother)

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This is Steve's mother before she died after giving birth.

This is Steve's mother before she died after giving birth

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Name: Nami

Name Meaning: Beautiful waves

Age: Unknown (but pretty young like if in her early 20s in human years)

Gender: Female

Species: Enderman (technically Enderwoman)

Crush: Tobias (male Player/Steve's father--who would have been married to)

Children: One son (Steve)

From: The End

Likes: Tobias, the over world, being freed from the End, freedom, her son and the nighttime.

Dislikes: Water (like any average Enderbeing), the Ender Dragon during her time, cold weather, Tobias being hurt in any way and hostile mobs.

Backstory: Same as any other enderbeing--Trapped in the End under the rule of the Ender Dragon. After the End was freed by a Player, she also escaped and roamed the over world until she met Tobias. He was a bit nervous at first, but she allowed only him to look at her unlike a normal Enderbeing who would have normally attacked. Awhile later, she ended up pregnant with his offspring. Not every day a Player and an Enderbeing ends up together, no pun intended. After the child was born, Nami looked at her newborn son and told Tobias to always tell him that she loves them both and will watch over them while in the Aether with Notch and the Creators. Steve never knew who Nami was but she knew who he was since she was always with him in spirit. And, she still is today.

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