Chapter II

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Raven's second number was starting, she had yet to step on stage when the whistles and hollers began. Seeing as she did this song twice a week, she knew some of her regulars must be here tonight. Entering the stage, the spotlights blinded her. The front row was all she could usually make out when the lights were up.

Feeling the beat throughout her she waved her hips, spinning around the pole seamlessly and in tune. Every move accented by the music. Raven could feel someone watching her. The feeling of eyes on her had long stopped bugging her. Glancing around the front row, all the eyes were on her. None of them matched the feeling she had; the owner of this stare must be farther back.

Continuing her song, she tried to focus but the feeling intensified versus dissipating. The burn was coming from front stage, she knew he must be out on the floor there somewhere. The feeling only served to empower her as she finished her dance.

There was still something she found powerful as she watched these men tremble with want in their eyes.

The man sat in a booth right in front of the stage. He was not one for places like this but his men insisted. It had been a big day, the meeting they were in today had gone well and they would be acquiring quite a bit of assets for little work on their end. The boys chose Ed's in hope they could also get their boss laid. He knew their intentions; he was always more docile after a tirade.

Never had he expected her. He was talking when her number began, business never stops with what he does. Pulled to her like a magnet he couldn't help but stare. Losing all sense of what the boys had said he merely watched her. Strawberry hair tied into pigtail braids flowed down her front and well past her breasts. Attire that showed her petite curves in great detail causing arousal to grow in him. He needed to know more about this girl.

More about Cherry.

There was something about this feeling that threw her a bit, it was unlike anything she had ever felt during a show. Sure, the men stared, they always did. That is why their stares have become numbing to her. Feeling anxious as she picked up the money sprawled across the stage, she tried to hurry. The eyes still on her, she could still feel them piercing into her and she was beginning to become uneasy.

Quickly she scurried to the back, locking up her tips. Returning to the floor as per her usual, she was hoping to finally put a body to the stare. Once she did that she knew she would be able to relax again, hopefully. Walking out to the floor she didn't feel them and allowed herself to ease. Wrapping it up to just not having her guard high enough on stage, letting too much of Raven through.

Making her rounds she saw Ed coming her way, a huge smile on his face. "Private dance. Room five" he said as he made it too her. Not stopping to converse he continued on his way.

Raven didn't think much of it, private dances were a part of her daily. Seeing as she worked everyday but Monday, it was something she had become accustomed to. Opening the door, she was hit with the feeling all over again.

Looking upon a man staring her up and down. He was gorgeous, shaped like a god. The type that rarely came into an establishment such as this. He had thick brown hair, styled in a messy look. Locks that came just past his jawline. Piecing blue eyes looked to her as his tongue grazed his bottom lip. White tee and designer jeans he looked sharp. His muscles defining his shirt and creating a boldness to his appeal.

Collecting herself she enters the room and slowly shuts the door. Music was always playing in these rooms so she could get to work right away. Having looked him in the eye without relief. Not only still having the feeling but it being intensified was a shock in her core. Raven wanted nothing to do with it, never at work. Part of her survival guide in this world.

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