Chapter 18

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(Harry' And 'Zara', Their Kiss)


"Where the bloody hell is all the blood?" I asked Louis who stood by the stairs in the basement, or our 'blood room', with Eleanor, Esly, and Drew standing next to him. We usually kept the blood nice and cool to keep it from spoiling, it wasn't as good cold but it was satisfying. We kept a large freezer in the basement but I couldn't seem to find any bags or bottles.

"M'not sure mate. Last time I checked you left the bag filled with bottles by the door" that's right.

"Thanks Lou" I walked passed him and the other, heading up the stairs.

"Harry are you alright?" I turned to see them all following me down the hallways.

"Yea I'm good" I lied. I just wanted to get my blood and then return to my beautiful mate. I had to feed or I'm afraid I'd hurt Zara. I knew I never would but she still didn't.

Speaking of feeding it's been a while and I don't think she's eaten. It was pass three and she still hasn't gotten anything to eat. The thought made me walk down the hallways faster just to get myself a bottle.

"Are you sure" Eleanor continued.

"Yeah" I said just as I reached the front door only to find Belinda and Emma looking through the bag I dropped off earlier.

"Drop it!" I roared which startled them. They're the reason why we keep running out of blood. They're to lazy to go out and actually hunt themselves so they wait for someone to do it for them.

"Easy tiger" Emma purred. To say I was disgusted was an understatement. The thought of ever being with her disgusted me. How could I snoop so low. She was nothing compared to my mate.

Damn this pull was strong. But I liked it. Not only does it bring me closer to some type of happiness but also to the woman I'm supposed to love and be with forever. Zara was my forever. My reason to continue this long useless life.

"You guys are always finishing the blood. We won't last the storm if you keep drinking it just for the hell of it" I turned to find Zayn walking down the stairs.

I snatched it out of her hands before Esly spoke softly "Where's Zac?"

We all turned to look at each other, our eyes landing on Zayn as he tried to pick up Zac's thoughts.

"He's hunting for blood?" Zayn spoke confusing us all and surprisingly himself as well. How could he be hunting for blood when we couldn't even get out the fücking door.

"Wha-" but I was cut off by the sound of my mates voice yelling from down the hallway. She sounded mad but I could hint a bit of fear.

"What the hell was that" Belinda spoke.

Louis' eyes caught mine "Zac"

"I'm warning you" I could hear the venom dripping from her voice. She really was furious. 'What has he done'.

I made a mad dash down the hallway and found myself in front of our library, without a second thought I open the doors forcefully.

I watched as Zara's white wolf stood alert on one side of the room and Zac on the other. Whatever has happened clearly upset Zara for he had provoked her to attack him.

"Oh my God" Esly spoke softly and quietly as everyone noticed the raging beast in the room with an injured vampire. Our friend.

Esly quickly made her way towards Zac, Drew following along to help him off the floor as Zac held on to his bloody chest. Four long slashes across his chest.

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