Separate Blood

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I stopped in my tracks. Hiding behind a tall redwood tree as I carefully watched the overly large white wolf drink water from the small stream about ten feet away from where I stood. I've never seen a full white wolf, so to see one so close was intriguing. I was on their land, hunting and if I was to get caught I'd probably be slaughtered. But then again probably not since I was one of the strongest of my kind.

I controlled my eyes, causing them to go back to their original emerald green shade, so the wolf wouldn't suspect any danger coming from me. 'Just a random vampire walking by' I thought. Hopefully.

There was a whole pack of them in this town and sadly us vampires shared it when them, just as long as we don't harm or attack each other, especially on their land.

I knew it wasn't a normal wolf because it's head nearly reached my almost six foot height. I was lucky this wolf was a small one, a female. Wolves in this town usually get up to five feet, six rarely. Normal wolves are about 3 feet from their shoulders. Who knows, maybe she was weak and I'd be able to take her on. Feeling my intense stare on her caused her to look up and meet mine.

Suddenly the thought of hurting or harming her in any way changed as its blue mixed with grey and nearly purple eyes met my clear emerald green ones. She didn't move, nor did I. Snow fell from above us, covering the forest floor. There was going to be heavy snow soon and if I didn't get back soon I'd have to find shelter close by, since I still haven't had a proper meal. No human tonight. Not even a fucking deer.

Neither one of us moved. Either she questioned herself about me being human and letting me go or taking the risk of attacking me to find out if I was a blood sucker, as they call us. The pack of mutts as we called them.

Suddenly her ears shot up and she turned her head away from me. Hearing something I couldn't quite pick up. She took one last glance at me before sprinting back into the darkness of the forest. I thought that would be the last time I'd see that white wolf...


I was arranging the new vinyls we got last night on the shelves when I heard the bell of the small music shop ring.

"Hello, welcome in. Can I help you find anything?" I heard Mike, the manager, ask the customer that just walked in.

"No. Just looking around." A cold deep voice answered.

"Well if you need help finding anything you can ask me or Zara over there."

As if by reflex, I looked up at the sound of my name in the direction where the voices were coming from.

My eyes immediately widen at the sight of those emerald green eyes staring back at my slightly blue/grey eyes. I never thought I'd see this stranger again... And by the way he looked at me, he either knew what I was or was still trying to figure it out. Hopefully the latter.


Separate BloodOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz