Chapter 44

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(The Vampires Home)

A few weeks later:


It feels like ages have gone by since I last saw Harry even though I know it's only been a few weeks. The last time I saw him he looked perfectly fine, nothing too much to worry about. 


I know he told me not to worry and to tell the others the same, which I did, sort of but if they knew exactly who and what he was living with, I'm sure they'd think the same way I did and try to go rescue him. As his best mate, I had to trust him and wait for whenever he was ready to come back but the others didn't feel the same. 

"When's Harry coming back?" Emmas annoying whining breaks the silence. She's sitting on the couch, upside down, with her feet in the air and her head nearly touching the floor. She's been asking the same fucking questions for the past five hours and I've been giving her the same answer.

"Don't worry about it"

She'd then roll her eyes and continue chewing her gum obnoxiously. 

'I hope you chock on it b!tch' I thought suddenly.

Belinda sat next to her painting her toenails while also chewing on some gum only she'd make bubbles out of them and then pop them obnoxiously. Esly sat on a one sitter couch quietly reading a book. Drew, Zac, and Zayn sat in front of the humungous flat screen playing some racing video game. Eleanor sat next to me on the loveseat watching me intensely as I continue to lose myself in my own thoughts. 

Most have asked me about where Harry is and I first told them a little white lie about going out of town with his mate. Not all of them believed it but they let the subject go, well some of them. 

The night I teleported into the forest and then walked the rest of the way into the wolf's pack continues to linger in my head. I know Harry told me he was okay but I remember seeing him slightly deprived of any blood. I knew he had some that day he left with his mate, Zara, so was he lacking blood from a fight, or were they draining him on purpose so he was weaker and easier to handle? I was glad I took those bottles of blood to him, it looked like he needed them more than we did but when he refused me I could only worry more. Never have I seen Harry act so... well un-Harry like. He'd never let himself be captured so easily and especially without a fight. He must really care for this girl if he's letting himself be imprisoned by our enemy this willingly. 

"You know I'm getting really tired of that half-assed answer you keep giving her." Zac's raised voice lets me know that he's irritated. I don't know if it whether with me or the fact that he's losing at his game with the others. "I'm fucking glad that b!tch left but did she have to take our so-called "leader" with her? Shouldn't he be here with us? I mean don't get me wrong, all this freedom is worth it but I mean we're running low on supplies, and Harrys' usually the one to go get them since he has more control of himself around the humans in town"

By the time he was done talking, their round had ended and I was getting their full attention, even Emma sat up correctly from her upside-down position. 

"Zacs right. Who gave him permission to leave the group without telling the rest of us? Shouldn't we have had a group meeting about what we should do while he's gone? Or who's in charge-"

"I'm in charge" I interrupt Belinda. "And we're all very much adults I don't understand why you need Harry around to babysit. We're more than capable of surviving without him for a few weeks, gosh even months. We practically had a routine when he was around and as soon as he's gone to take care of some personal business you all suddenly forget?!" 

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