Chapter 2 - James

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"Hey M&M, have you got that situational analysis report I asked for?" I shout to the the twins, Michael and Michelle, the leaders of team Alpha and Bravo.

I slump into my chair and rub my face truing to get rid of this headache that is slowly starting to build. Running a private security firm is definitely not for the fainthearted and most definitely what he thought he would be doing after leaving the Armed Forces but he built up a good enough reputation to be able to say that he is one of the top firms in the country.

Suddenly I hear the buzzer of the gate and check my calendar. Slightly confused I leave, bluebird - our analyst, to handle the situation.

"Uhm.. boss!" I hear Michael calling out, "You need to come and see this," responds Michelle. "Fucking twins and finishing each others sentences" I mutter under my breath as I move toward to the puzzle room(where we gather, investigate and decide on every op we take on)

"What is it? Something wrong with Charlie team?" I ask as I walk with a alight adrenaline rush and a lot of worry for my team members. It was a simple recon mission - nothing less, nothing more.

"No sir" says bluebird, "Someone at the gate buzzed, asked for you, say Joburg is burnt and proceeded to collapse at the gate"

"Did she give a name?" I ask, "No sir" said bluebird

"Fuck. We cant just leave 'em out there - Send Prof out to bring 'em in and assess the damage." I order before I go back to my office

"Joburg is burnt. Joburg is burnt" I keep muttering to myself as it rings a bell. But from where? Where have I heard it before? The only person I know who is South African is dead. Damn fine soldier she was as well. I feel my heart ache at the memory as I would never forget her eyes, her wild hair, and her ability to always have a smile on her face no matter how deep into the shit we were. "Jade" I whisper as I rub my chest and smile faintly at the memory.

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