Never Ending

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“To begin with, each of the Hosts will be asked five questions about Akimi,” Haruhi continues to explain. “The two with the lowest scores will be eliminated from the competition.” Glancing at the Hosts, I could see them glaring at each other. I sighed. Why do they have to be so competitive? Nekozawa brought another chair into the Arena and placed it opposite Haruhi’s. He looked at me and gestured for me to sit down there. I bowed in appreciation, before he walked away again, and sat down on the chair, biting my bottom lip nervously. 

“I would like to go first!” exclaimed Tamaki and Kyoya shook his head. 

“Very well,” Haruhi stated, writing something down on the notepad in front of him. “Round 1...Tamaki.  Your first question.  What type of business does Akimi’s father own?” As Haruhi continued to ask him questions, you could see the concentration and thought going on in Tamaki’s mind, almost as if his mind was controlled by cogs and you could see them working. Surprisingly, Tamaki did quite well, achieving four out of a possible five. Afterwards, each Host took their turn respectively, Kyoya going last.  “Okay, so the results are in. The Host with the most points is…” A drum roll sounded. “Kaoru Hitachiin!”  I felt Kaoru’s gaze on me and I turn in his direction and nodded once, giving him a small smile.  He was grinning, looking down at the surface of the table that had been placed there to, what I can assume, ‘give a game show feel’ and twiddling his thumbs - blushing slightly. “However,” continued Haruhi, “I am afraid to say that the two people who got the lowest scores were…Mori and Hikaru. I’m sorry but you two are now eliminated from the competition.” That left both teams with two members remaining.  Nekozawa returned to lead Mori and Hikaru away, a simple process. Or…so it should’ve been. As Nekozawa led Hikaru away, Hikaru froze after a couple of steps and glared at Kaoru. I don’t think many people saw it, but I did. I looked towards Kaoru, waiting to see if he would retaliate, but he didn’t. As I return to lock my gaze onto Haruhi, I noticed that Kyoya was scribbling something in his notebook, shaking his head. Once he finished, he clasped it shut and alternatively glanced between the twins. He had noticed the glare, too…thankfully.  

The rounds continued and the Hosts continued to be eliminated. First Tamaki, who was then followed by Kyoya. Of course, Kyoya walked off without a fuss, unlike Tamaki who pranced around the entire Arena before he allowed himself to be dragged by the collar. That left Kaoru and Honey; an unlikely final two. 

“This is it,” Haruhi announced, his voice sounding more and more bored with every word. “The final two: Kaoru vs. Honey. To win, they must complete a series of events, decided by the eliminated Hosts. So, without further ado, let’s begin. First up…Mori’s task.” Haruhi opened an envelope, before reading the task. Honey seemed confident. “You must impress Akimi, using only a single gift.” The first challenge was to surround me in presents? Geez.


The next day, at break, I was making my way to one of the libraries to study, when a familiar, joyful voice stopped me.

“Kimi-chan! Kimi-chan!” Of course, it was Honey, skipping his way down the corridor, Mori strolling behind him.


“Kimi-chan! I have a gift for you!” 

“Oh?” I didn’t really know how else to respond. 

“Yes!” He opened his satchel and pulled out quite a large, white, box. It didn’t take a genius to work out what would be inside the box. “Look! This is for you!”  He extended his arms, lessening the gap between us. I took the box and bowed slightly in respect. 

Love Me, Princess! (A Ouran High School Host Club Fan Fiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora