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Kaoru led me out of the ball and up some stairs. Tracing the steps I took frequently during my school day, I realised he was taking me to Music Room #3. I watched him with a crossed brow; not an angry one - a confused one. Haruhi was still in the music room for some reason…but why? And what did he need assistance with? Was it someone’s birthday? No…I would’ve known that. Tamaki would’ve reminded me constantly, not to mention the girls in my classes. Unless…maybe it was- no. I shook my head, as if to shake my head free of my thoughts. I looked down at my feet, however, a remainder of those thoughts still there.

“You’re confused, aren’t you?” Kaoru asked, not looking at me. I simply nodded, remaining silent. I could hear a light chuckle from him, which made me look up at him. As I did, he looked down at me before he gestured towards the door of the Music Room. He knocked lightly before entering. “We’re here!” he beamed, cheerfully. 

“Ah! Akimi!” I heard Haruhi’s voice from the changing area. “Could you…come in here, please?” I looked at Kaoru who simply nodded once, before leaning down to whisper something in my ear; 

“I’ll be in the ballroom once you’re finished. Meet me near the buffet table.” I looked at him, confused, but he gently pushed me further into the room, before closing the door. I turned to where Haruhi’s voice had come from and began to walk towards it. 

“What is it, Haruhi?” I asked, as soon as I had neared enough. 

“It’s this- I…just need help putting this on.”

“Hm? But…couldn’t one of the other Hosts help you-”

“No! It’s just- I need to look presentable at least.” I tilted my head. I never expected Haruhi to be so concerned about how he looked at such an event. I nodded, gently placing my hand on the yellow curtain that separated the cubicle from the room. Slightly hesitant, I slowly opened it. My eyes widened slightly and I felt my bottom lip part from my top. Haruhi’s expression was as normal as ever. I looked down and my eyes trailed upwards as I took in everything.  On Haruhi’s feet, there were some dainty flat shoes, coloured in snow white. These matched an elegant,  chiffon dress.  My eyes were widened slightly as I looked at her. 

“Haruhi…you’re a-”

“Girl,” she finished for me. “I am.”

“You look beautiful,” I comment, shaking my head as I took everything in.  Haruhi nodded once and smiled appreciatively.  “But…when did-”

“Tamaki doesn’t know yet. Although, the others do. Kyoya-senpai came up with the idea due to Tamaki’s obsession with the lifestyle I have.” I looked at her, quite sternly due to thinking, as I listened to her.

“…You’re wanting him to be scared that you’re female?” Haruhi nodded.

“That’s what I was thinking,” she stated and I let out a slight chuckle.

“Very well, then.” I helped her to fasten her dress, zipping it up with caution. I helped her fix her hair and prepare everything else for her, before I approved of it with a nod. She looked in the mirror and she nodded also.  She gave me her thanks as I gestured towards the door. 

“We best be going now then, huh?”

“Well…actually, Akimi,” she spoke, stepping towards me. “The plan was for me to enter by myself.” She looked down slightly and I tilted my head, waiting to see if she would say anything else. “Although…I don’t know whether I could handle all the stares.”

“Haruhi,” I said, my voice reassuring and I placed my hand on her shoulder. “You’re a Host. You’ll be fine. You look absolutely stunning…don’t worry about it. I promise it’ll be fine.”

Love Me, Princess! (A Ouran High School Host Club Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now