The plan

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Two small changes since I forgot about them One
Kankoru vs Sasuke

May Kankorou of the sand and Sasuke uchiha come down

Both jumping down

"You sure you want to fight me since if you lose I will kill you" said kankoru

"Hm as if you could even" Sasuke said smirk

"You asked for it" Kankoruo said as he's puppet jump down and Sasuke activates his sharigan

When he notices the charka strings

Both contentions ready

"I don't think the puppet master is he's still hiding" Sasuke said

"I never said you couldn't hide I just said no attacking of viewers" said Hayate

"Ok" Sasuke said while Kankouro was now confused "how was he able to so easily figure out I'm hiding" Though Kankouro

"Anyway are both opponents ready " Hayate asked again
Both nodded their head

As soon as it begins The puppet rushes at Sasuke as he jump and does a fireball justu set the puppet on fire as more and more of a metal skeleton left of the puppet

"Bastard you got rid of his wood that'll take days to place back on " Kankouro cursed

"Should have made it out of tuffer stuff" said Sasuke as his continues to dodge only this time launching a phoneix flower justu in Kankouro area

"Hm so he knows my location but not precisely " Kankouro though as he dashed to the side to dodge the fire style only for him to be kicked up just like frontal lotus

" and it's original from here in out" sasuke said  as he did a reverse ax kick sending kankouro "LION BARRAGE" sasuke shouted as kankouro was hit and sent into the ground making a small crater

Winner Sasuke

Now all contestants please come down

" Well done to you all for you to have been this powerful after the forest of death is a feat but I have a small announcement" Hiruzen said

"You will not have the final yet" Hiruzen said

"I along with the Kazekage need time to bring employers and daiymo here so this time you have a month and 1 week before the next part. During this 5 weeks period you can use it to learn new techniques or perfect your current arsenal it up to you but before you go, please go to the front and get a card and say the number on it to set up your next match

"4" Shino said
"8" Dosu said
"3" Shikamaru said
"7" Garra said
"1" Neji said
"5" Temari said
"6" Sasuke said
"Ok so two must be naruto

Match 1 Neji vs Naruto
Match 2 Shikamaru vs Shino
Match 3 Temari vs Sasuke
Match 4 Garra vs Dosu

Back with Kakashi and Orochimaru

When Kakashi was in the "genjustu"

" I guess I have to add more of my charka this time my image would be useless" thought Orochimaru as he filled the curse mark now with 30% of his charka and a new instruction for communication before shunsuin to the door and talking back to Kakashi

Naruto's Mindscape

"Well speak of the devil so Naruto change of plans Go to Kabuto when you recover he'll explain what to do " Orochimaru said inside Naruto mind

"Kabuto why him he's just another leaf genin" said Naruto

"You'll find out just go to him I'll even send out 1 of my sound jounin to help you just don't agure with them " Orochimaru said

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