Kidomaru sensei

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"Hello Naruto-kun" Kabuto said entering the room

"Hey kabuto" Naruto said excited

"Well I came to announce you have fully recovered to the point of being able to leave but we can't be 100% sure so I was tasked to take you home and make sure you lie low for a bit due to your energetic behavior now come over here " Kabuto said

"Dang so I can't train yet" Naruto asked

"Nope not until we leave" Kabuto said

"Oh yeah I found out something I need to tell you" Naruto said as they walked

"What you learn" Kabuto said

"Well you know my multi shadow clones" Naruto said

"Oh you're just learning the secret we were already planning on exploiting it based off the numbers I saw you use vs that snake" Kabuto said

"You SAW THAT" Naruto said surprised

"Ofcourse that how I saw you go to that Kusa lady before me and my team ran away" Kabuto said as Kabuto and Naruto left the hospital

"Hey Kabuto something you might want to know is that I'm going to be trained by Kakashi over the next month" Naruto said as they walked towards the shinobi housing district

"Hey Naruto I did see something we should discuss" Kabuto said

"What's that" Naruto asked

" Your health I looked at you body and it doesn't make sense now you graduated your bones are brittal, your muscles while full of protein have very little nutrient in them if not for you walking right now I would have said you're on deaths door" Kabuto explained

" Kabuto jump to a roof top and follow me as I walking look at what the civilians and even high rank ninja look at me with or you with it should explain your answer" Naruto whispered

Kabuto confused did as said curious jumping to the roof

Naruto walked like he had no exact place he planned to go casual as he turned tothe ninja supply stores, weapons stores, and markets before even trying to go into some he was being blocked out some stores sending him warning shots as they send firecracker paper bombs or kunai while everyone acted like it was normal before Naruto jumped up the roofs

"Now you see" Naruto said

"I guess but what about the food drop offs you should get some supplies for free thanks to Lord Fourth law" Kabuto said

"You'll see when I'm back home what that looks like until then just shadow me you'll see" Naruto said as he jumped back down and walked to his apartment complex down in the yellow district

20 minutes later

Naruto was back in the orphan housing for genin as the apartment looked fine except for one door on the fourth floor unfortunately that was naruto room and outside was a few other genin hanging out on the third floor

Naruto just went and walk taking the regular route to show kabuto truly what he had to live like

"When will you quit coming back here" One of them asked annoyed

"When will you quit talking to me" Naruto asked just as annoy

"When will you admit it you weak sure you have your fancy shadow clones but you weak you only passed the forest of death because of you being paired with the top shinobi of the year you're a dunce who should have been dropped from the ninja program why no one cares for you not us, not the village, and definitely not your team or they would have helped you out by now" The bully said

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