The training ground

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The next day

4:00 am

"Now would be a good time to start" Kabuto said as he woke up from the wooden floor  and saw the time

"Naruto wake up we're starting training" Kabuto said

"Must be a deep sleeper" Kabuto thought

Kabuto did a handsign and spewing a small water ball on Naruto face at which jolted Naruto awake as he felt his upper body was soaked

"WHAT what's going on" Naruto thought surprised and confused on what why he's hair was soaked

"That you need to work on your sensing. it's bad if you can't tell when your in danger until after the killing blow you could be assassinated " Kabuto said

"Now come with me to training ground 23 in 20 minutes that is my teams training ground there I'll examine your skills don't worry about breakfast you'll get some there" Kabuto said

"Be on time Naruto" Kabuto said as he walked to the door and left

"Now there's always a few supermarkets but that closer to the center of the village. I guess I can do that after the test and training him back up" Kabuto thought

"Let me get ready" kabuto said as he jumped on a rooftop and start jumping to his house near the Hospital

19 Minutes Later at Training ground 23

"Kabuto" Naruto called out as he walked to the middle of the training ground

" don't tell me he'll be late like Kakashi-sensei" Naruto groaned at the thought

10 minutes later as Naruto sat down on the ground next to a tree he suddenly had a kunai at his throat

"Tsk tsk tsk Naruto you have to focus on new surroundings you'll never know when an attack will come" Kabuto said

"If you ever plan to become a chunin I need you alert always and regularly wake up on time " Kabuto said

"I had 5 clones around here looking at you that you could have seen while I was underground but instead of looking around you or warming up instantly went to sitting and relaxing." Kabuto said

"I have a good idea on your skills thanks to the forest of death " Kabuto said as he pulled back his kunai

"You can't sense far away luckily with shadow clones that's doesn't really matter, you can't break genjustu, and your ninjustu catalog though under Kakashi the man of thousand justu seems to be minuscule and way to short for you to have any chance as chunin, and lastly thanks to your seals you now have horrible charka control and your charka always spiking and being unnaturally large even among jinchuriki. I will say your stamina and regeneration is your best. I will test something out but for now I need you to make some shadow clones they'll be learning ninjustu and charka control while I see your taijustu more indepth" Kabuto said "Ok" Naruto said as he summoned 10 shadow clones

"Too little for what I plan make some more how about 30" Kabuto said

"Ok" Naruto said as he made 20 more shadow clones

"From what info I have on your learning you learn best trying to use ninjustu so I have three ninjustu I want you to learn first " Kabuto said 

"These ninjustu need very little charka but can be performed even if you overload them but I want you to master them" Kabuto said

"Water Clone justu" Kabuto said doing three handsigns and summoning his three clone before bring them to Naruto

"10 shadow clones follow me" Kabuto said as he went east

"10 shadow clones follow me" Another Kabuto said going west

"The last of you will follow me to the forest for this justu" Another kabuto said

"Wait what am I doing again" Naruto asked

"Your going to fight me you using only taijustu before dispelling your clones and making new ones" kabuto said

"Ok Kabuto-sensei!" Naruto said as he jumped up

One Hour later

"I think that'll be all taijustu training for now" Kabuto said clapping his hand together

"Huff huff I can keep going huff I want to land a hit before we stop" Naruto said as he was still gasping at how kabuto so effortlessly dodge and parried his attacks and delievering counter attacks as he pulled out his fifth kunai this spar

"Well I got to say your taijustu isn't nearly as bad as I thought and I'm sure with your shadow clones you might have put up a challenge though you would best benefit by having some more reliable then your kunai and need to increase your speed" Kabuto said

"Wait why would I need to replace the kunai I can always just pull a new one out when I lose them." Naruto asked

"Cause to be blunt your arms being so short makes your range too short and you most definitely do not have the speed advantage compared to your opponents" Kabuto said

"Hey" Naruto shouted

"That the truth whether you like it or not. you and I both saw Rock Lee and your first oppenent is a hyuga a horrible match up if you don't change now" Kabuto said

"Luckily Kidomaru an weapon master himself he can teach you about ranged close combat weapons" Kabuto said

"Anyway you've had enough of a break now time for you to dispell your shadow clones" Kabuto said and make a new set

East Clones POV

"Now you've learned charka enforcement and tree walking for me I'm teaching you water walking" Kabuto said

"For this you just walk to a water source and control your charka like Tree Walking" Kabuto said as he walked on top of the small lake

"Only difference is it's needs more charka and constant change in amount unlike Trees as you walk" Kabuto said

"Ok" Naruto said

"Now I'm leave you with a water clone while you're busy he will be simulating the waves as he will constant walk around your I'm gone to get some materials for you so for now start training" Kabuto said before shunsuin away

That's advantage Kabuto already seems to have quite the water charka nature and shunsuin how has he never passed the second exam" Tiger thought as he thought about the oddity of the adult genin that was Kabuto

"Hm now that's interesting your clones are able to walk on water longer" Kabuto said as Naruto swam right back up of the mini lake

"Hey Naruto when you fail what do you usually do to try make it better" Kabuto asked

"I add more charka" Naruto answered bluntly

"Did you ever think you're overcharging the technique" Kabuto asked

"You really are a great help Kabuto-sensei" Naruto said before he reduced the charka now he send but this time h

Ok so I was writing this while watch a YouTuber

And he was streaming at the time and brought a really good point to this story in the fact that it's kinda just has no concrete future as it is so I've decided to rewrite it I'm leave this be but I just need to start from the beginning instead of "I hide my strength" or naruto secretly hating the village I really need to start from it so I'll be doing that now sorry for those who carried or like how the story was going but I'll still use this as a base for the remastered version

आप प्रकाशित भागों के अंत तक पहुँच चुके हैं।

⏰ पिछला अद्यतन: Dec 16, 2023 ⏰

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The Fox and The Snakeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें