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"KD is a masterpiece"

"Kowati's Diary are the fingers I needed around my neck tonight."

"It's really really really really really really gooddd"

"Kowati's Diary is LIT. It's not for the faint of heart or the horny.😭😭 It has gentle nudges, hard pushes, smooth transitions, wet memories, ugh." — Andy Hare.

"Fear men, fear Kowati😂"— Premola.

This book will be my next Val's gift 😭😭😭😭😭😭
You are the Rhyme King!!!!!!
🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥" — Amarachi Mbah.

"Kowati's Diary is a collection of well detailed and descriptive poems that reeks heavily of sensuality.

The poems are loosely connected and each expresses the exact mind state and a clear picture into the mind of the main character; Kowati.

This Poetry anthology is a bold and clear view into the personal and intimate moments, thoughts and experience of Kowati. It's a totally enjoyable, beautiful and sensual ride.

And the exclusives? That's something to look forward to. The gripping storyline and situation makes one fall forward from one's seat, as one's curiosity is piqued to read more.
We await more from Kowati." — Zoey.

"You'll probably want a chilled glass of holy water beside you as you read Kowati's Diary. Who doesn't like the adventure of reading a book and glancing behind your shoulder to make sure your sister is not peeking to steal a glance? I promise,
this totally didn't happen to me, but just a warning.

Kowati's Diary is beautiful, sensual and dirty - I never thought a book could be all three until I
read this one. Forget emotions of love, happiness and all that because Kowati's Diary gets down to the business it means. Each poem will have you sweating and you'll be grinning because you've
probably never read about a bad boy like Kowati.
Some poems does have this shocking vulnerability that you'll like if you're a fan of all that.

Come for the sensual love story, stay for well, the sensual love story (pun not intended). I also have
to give the author points for the creative titles of certain poems, wink wink, the last one." — Odoziaku

"A Glimpse Of Kowati and He's quite the 'moribus' I
must say. An exceptional read." — Tenzy

"I love Kowati's Dairy, it was a beautiful read. I love the rhymes, the psychological journey. Guy!!! I cannot really place words together but I love the book so well. The poetic devices; I noticed them so well." — Smiler

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