chapter 9

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I was walking to the last class of the day when someone tackled me, and I knew immediately who it was. Of course I did, he's the only one in the school who would do that.

I sighed, fighting a slight smile as I pried his fingers off my shoulders, "what do you want Casey?"

Casey laughed, "how did you know?"

"How could I not? What do you want?"

Casey smiled, now walking beside me. "Can we have a sleepover?"

I nodded, "yeah sure. We can do it at my house. Your brothers are annoying"

Casey looked very excited at this and jumped for joy. "Yay! See you after school then!" he waved as he ran off towards his class.

Internally, I was confused. How excitable he is, is annoying, and sometimes I'm tempted to tell him just to shut up . . . but every time that thought comes up, I never do, cause . . . It's Kinda cute. Damn it.

I shook my head to try and rid my head of those thoughts as I opened the door, heading to my normal desk.

For some reason, this class went slower than it usually did. And what confused me more is that the thought of having a sleepover with Casey was plaguing my mind. Why was I thinking about it so much? I had also noticed I had started thinking about him more just in general too . . . The things he said, his laugh. The way his eyes shone when he talked about things he loved . . . damn it I'm, doing it again.

My brain wanted to go down that road more, but I shut it down before I could dwell on it. I buried my head into my arms like I usually did when I slept at school, only now it was more to hide the blush than to sleep.

When the bell finally rang, I got my stuff and went to find Casey's locker, which was farther than I liked from mine, admittedly. It was a long walk, ok? That's it.

I leaned against the wall beside him when I reached his locker, pulling out my headphones. "Hey."

He smiled and threw his arm around my shoulder. "Hey yourself."

I sighed, but I didn't push him away. He was slightly taller than me, so it wasn't uncomfortable. And . . . I didn't mind it

When we got to my house, I found Fisher and told him that Casey was staying over. Then I led Casey up to my room and asked him what he wanted to do.

He hummed, throwing his bag onto my bed as he thought about it. Then his face lit up and he excitedly said, "music!"


"We should exchange music! You're listening to it like all the time so you've obviously got some good suggestions, right?"

I nodded, "yeah i don't know if you'll like it though."

"Well there only one way to find out." was his response. He pulled out his phone and started going through his music, giving me a list. I covered my face slightly, I could feel the corners of my lips lifting even as I tried to keep them from doing so.

Casey gave me a list of songs and artists, some of them were Alec Benjamin, Nico Collins and somewhere only we know by keane. He gave me a whole bunch more, but the author is lazy.

And in return, I gave him a list of my music. I knew from the look on caseys face that I had shown my excitement about music more than I would've liked, but oh well. What can I say, I like music.

Some of the best I gave him were: radio by he is we, bloody knuckles by sleeping with the sirens, and I snuck a little surprise in there for him too. Somewhere in the middle I listed, theyre taking the hobbits to isengard.

After we discussed that for a while we ended up finding a movie to watch. And before we knew it, it was getting late, more like it was early morning.

We decided to watch one last movie and then we'd go to bed, but I have a feeling one of us is going to fall asleep.

As the movie started doing its thing with the production of this or that company stuff, Casey blurted, "what would you do if time stopped for an entire day?"

I looked at him for a moment before grabbing the pillow beside me and hitting him in the face with it.


"how would time be measured like that if time stopped? dummy."

A look of realization crossed his face and he sank into the cushions dejectedly. "True..." he squinted his eyes, thinking. "Wait! What if time stopped for everything but you, and that includes things like your phone or a watch. So that would be able to keep time, and tada, problem fixed."

"But how would it measure time if time stopped?"

"It wouldnt be for you, stupid" he said, and this time he was the one to hit me in the face with a pillow. "Just answer the question."

"Alright, fine." I paused. "I would... well for one I would make people I don't like flip random people off. And maybe I'd put you in a weird position in a different room so when time unfroze you'd be confused. Maybe-" I cut myself off for a moment, thinking.


"What would happen to water and other liquids? Like if I stepped on water, would my foot go through it?"

He just looked confused, "what?"

I sighed, trying to explain. "Well like if time is frozen would that mean like, anything can move, but only if I touch it? Also, are there other people unfrozen?"

He laughed, "you're thinking way into it. And uh... yeah, i think anything can move if you touch it and your the only one unfrozen."

I nodded, "I tend to think too much into these things. But I'd probably prank a teacher or two, run around and do stuff I guess?"

He smiled and said, "Sounds like you." This, for some odd reason, made me blush a little.

We continued watching the movie, and Casey ended up falling asleep, his head on my shoulder, however cliche that may seem.

I actually ended up crying a little, but not Casey nor anybody else has to know that. They won't know about it.

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