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Kayla's POV

I was so embarrassed after yesterday when it felt like I was forcing Paula to have sex with me. It was horrible. I don't even know how I'll face her in school today.


"Bye dad! See you after school!" He waved at me as he knotted his tie. I gently shut his door and took small steps down the stairs and towards the door. Paula was already outside,waiting for me in her car. I don't want to be seen as the shy person,then she would start teasing me. Oh yes... I'm still mad at her,hehe. 

When I got into the car,I just sat and stared in front of me. Paula didn't even say anything,she just stared at me and it just made everything worse. After a while,she started the car and drove a short while before stopping the car. She dropped her hands on my thighs.

My breath hitched, though I was mad at Paula,it doesn't change the fact that I really like her and she makes me nervous.

"I'm sorry about yesterday Kayla,I know I messed up-"
"Of course you did" I mumbled and just stared at the road,trying to take my mind off her fingers circling around my thighs,and i don't even know why I wore  a mini skirt again today.

"I'm really,really sorry. I guess I wasn't the one ready"
"That's a lame excuse Paula" I glanced at her for the first time since I got into her car.

God,she looks so beautiful this morning. What did she do to herself, she's just so cute,I can't even stay mad at her.
"But why did you do such a thing to me Paula,you know how much I really like you and how I want you!" I pouted and crossed my arms.

"And-and you turned me on,you made me want you so badly and then you stopped,you just stopped..." I mumbled under my breath but I'm sure she heard it.

"Awww" I heard her mumble before pulling my arm and making me hug her. She kissed my forehead. "I'm sorry"
"I need an explanation,an honest explanation" I complained. She took in a deep breath and tucked her short hair behind her ear.
"Kayla I'm scared-" I frowned.

"Scared of what" I squeezed her hands tightly in mine.
"I'm scared you don't like me as much as I do and I'm scared that Keith would come back and you'll leave him for me...again"

Oh,she was scared of rejection. So that's why she suddenly stopped yesterday. I knew it! I knew it wasn't because of me.

"I don't like Keith anymore,I lost feelings for Keith since he left me-"
"So what was all that drama about that night at the bar" I bit my lip and glanced at my manicured nails.

"I hadn't seen him in a long time and when I did see him,I thought that I still had feelings for him but I was proven wrong when he kissed me later on and I felt nothing..." I explained.

She just stared in my eyes. "And Paula...I really, really like you okay? All this new feelings aren't for nothing. I haven't felt this way for any girl and I don't think I would ever,except you" I caressed her cheek.

"Keith can't do anything about it because it's you and no one else and don't worry about me saying I'm scared, I'm not scared anymore, I'm proud that I have you as my girlfriend and I'm not scared about my feelings for you because I know this is right and you are my heaven sent" Right now,all this I'm saying might make sense but later on, I'm sure Paula would tease me about it.

I saw tears in her eyes. This bad ass is really a cry baby on the inside. "Come on don't cry" I pulled her into a warm hug as she sobbed softly.
"That was so sweet Kayla...thank you" She pulled away and immediately connected our lips. I could taste her tears. She pulled away and I wiped the small tears that dropped. "Let's go" She quickly wiped her tears off and started the engine again.

Wow... Paula can really get this emotional? She's just the perfect girlfriend. I actually love seeing people who act all strong and tough but are soft on the inside. I know how to press Paula's soft buttons. She's just really emotional.

And as for that girl I saw her with the other day. I hope the Public Display of Affection I would show today with Paula would tell her not to come close to my girlfriend because she doesn't even know what I'm going to do to those tiny legs of hers.

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