Chapter 1

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Monday morning... Terry's least favourite time of the week. He walked into the empty deck and felt the cool sea air hit his face. He let out a relaxed sigh and went to the food barrels to make some breakfast for him and his apprentice, Jessie.

Unfortunately, the barrels were almost empty. With only a few pieces of bread and meat that was still edible. He sighed, knowing it was probably only enough to make breakfast for Jessie.

"Ah well." He said. "The kid needs the energy more than me."

He smiled to himself. Jessie was a good kid. She was enthusiastic and always willing to help keep the ship in one piece. For a two person crew, they sure made a good team.

Although, she was rather curious about how she ended up being with Terry since it was pretty obvious he wasn't her birth farther (although he still loved her as if he was). She wanted to know what happened to her birth parents and honestly, Terry wish he knew the answers to her questions.

The truth is, Terry found Jessie on a piece of drift wood. He then saw what remained of a burnt down ship with a Navy crew flying the Caribbean flag sailing away from the wreckage.

Terry was pissed that those bastards would destroy a ship and dare to leave a child for dead! From that day, Terry swore to forever be enemy's with the Caribbean navy.

Jessie was only a toddler so he gave her fresh water and nursed her back to health. He took her back to land to find a reliable home for her but Jessie wanted to stay with Terry. He felt bad taking her with him on dangerous adventures but she had proved herself many times to be a great ally.

Although she wasn't the best at hand-to-hand combat, she was as cunning as a fox and as sneakier than a bunny in slippers.

Terry took care of her and swore to protect her with his life and maybe even one day find her birth parents if they were still alive.

All of these thoughts were running through his head as the door to the captains quarters swung open and Jessie came skipping in.

"Good morning Jessie. You sleep well sweetie?" He asked, handing her a sandwich.

"Like a baby! You know there's nothing more relaxing than the gentle sway of a ship." She grinned. "So what's the plan for today?" She asked, mouth full of food.

"Today, we need to make a stop on the next piece of land we come across. Restock and replenish supplies." Terry smiled.

"Aha! Yes! Market day! My favourite!" She said excitedly.

Terry smiled and left to pull up the anchor, with Jessie's help of course. Within the hour they had their sights set on a small town not too far away.

"Set sail! North, my young apprentice!" Terry declared as Jessie steered the ship. "This afternoon we'll be back venturing the beautiful Caribbean seas."

"Aye aye Terry!" Jessie smiled.


Half an hour later, the two could see the town coming closer over the horizon.

"You got the fake flag?" Terry asked.

"Already on the mast." Jessie smiled

"Okay great. Oh, and don't forget, if you see any suckers with open pockets, don't be afraid to just..." Terry made a pinching action with his hand.

"Haha you got it Terry!"

The ship pulled into the docks and the two pirates tied it down.

They wandered through the town which was notably called 'Raug'.

"It's probably Latin or something..." Terry thought.

Terry stocked up on supplies whilst Jessie attempted to make some brief friends. Due to all her time at sea, it was rare she got to talk with people her age. Of course she loved traveling with Terry but she still wished she had someone more her age who she could talk to.

Once the ship was fully stocked up, Terry went around the various shops looking for some gifts for Jessie. New clothes, toys, books, sweets etc.

As he was looking however, he saw some creepy dudes mummering in an alleyway.

"Yeah, I hear there's only one left!"

"Apparently the Commodore and his fleet set off to look for it this morning. Poor thing won't know what hit it..."

"Umm... excuse me?" Terry asked. "I don't mean to be rude or anything but... there's only one what left?"

"You haven't heard? Some strange creature called a 'Pupa' has been discovered on an uninhabitable island off the coast if the Caribbean!" One of them said.

"A Pupa? No way! Those don't exist! I've spent years learning everything about those things and never found one. I just assumed they've been extinct for years." Terry said.

"We'll it's alive alright. A ship crashed on the island to repair any damage and some if the crew members reported finding a dead mother Pupa."

"How did they know it was a mom?" Terry asked

"It was purple with faded pink spots. Apparently that means it gave birth a few weeks ago. Anyway, Commodore Korvo left on an expedition this morning to track down and capture the baby."

"Capture?! Oh no! That poor Pupa baby!" Terry cried

"Yeah that's what we were just saying... but hey! Who knows? Maybe it can find a way to get off the island?" The guy said.

"Oh I doubt it. Pupa's are sensitive to salt water. It gives them a really bad rash." Terry sighed. He turned to walk away but stopped.

"Hey umm... did they specify which island they Pupa was on?"


"Jessie! JessieJessieJessieJessie!" Terry shouted, running through the market.

"Hey Terry. You okay? You look like you accidentally pissed of a steroid infused goose." She said.

"I'll explain later but right now we gotta gooo!" Terry said, hurriedly grabbing her arm and pulling her to the ship.

They raised the anchor and left Raug.

"So what'd you do this time Terry? Did you steal an orange from an admirals lunch again?" Jessie asked.

"Yes but that's not why we're in a hurry. Some guys in an ally told me that the Caribbean navy found a Pupa mom and now they're going for the baby! We have to get it before they do!"

"Caribbean navy? Aren't those the guys who destroyed the ship you found me on?" Jessie asked nervously.

"Yes, so we need to save this Pupa before they can find it. God knows what they'll do with it! They could eat it or study it for science! Or even worse! Force it to perform in a Cats musical!!" Terry cried.

"Alright then, do we have a heading?" Jessie asked.

"Yeah. An island off the coast of the Caribbean. Strange name, it's called 'Shlorp'


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