Chapter 3

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Meanwhile, on the Missurner, Korvo had been preparing the ship for the Pupa. He'd read a few books in it and he certainly didn't want it dying on him.

The only problem was, they didn't currently have the Pupa on the ship.

"Dammit! It's been two hours! It's a tiny island! Where are they?" He muttered. As he did, he saw Yumyulack and some sailors rowing towards the ship. They were hoisted up and Korvo noticed a significant lack of crew members.

"Hey Korvo. We're back and we've got the Pupa." Yumyulack said, handing him the Pupa cage.

"W-wait where's Vanbo and the rest of the sailors?" Korvo asked.

"Fuck if I know. He told us to go ahead and take the Pupa back to the ship. My guess is they're all having an orgy in the trees." Yumyulack said casually.

"Hang on a minute, why is the Pupa's tail damaged?!" Korvo asked angrily.

"Wasn't me. Vanbo wanted to do things his way. Sure he got the thing but now it's hurt and scared shitless."

"Ugh. I can't stand that guy!" Korvo said exasperatedly

"Same. Here's an idea, why don't you let me kill him? I don't mind doing it quick!" Yumyulack grinned.

"Because unfortunately he's our best captain so I have to keep him around." Korvo said. "Although he's so gonna get it when he comes back. Damage to the Pupa is unacceptable!"

"Oh! Speak of the devil. Here he comes now." Yumyulack said.

Korvo ran to the side of the ship and saw Vanbo rowing towards them.

They were all hoisted into the ship and Vanbo was met with a glaring scowl from Korvo.

"You damaged the Pupa!" He shouted.

"Look, I know it seems bad but-"

"No! I specifically put Yumyulack in charge of that mission to prevent something like this from happening! I gave you an order which YOU should have followed!"

Vanbo took all of this in and then continued.

"I still got the Pupa with no permanent damage." He sighed

"We don't know this isn't permanent!! For all we know you could've shortened its lifespan by 50% or given it AIDS or some shit!"

"I can tell your pretty angry..." Vanbo said

"Oh you think?" Korvo said sarcastically.

"BUT! I think I may have something that'll cheer you up!"

Vanbo reached into the smaller boat and grabbed Jessie and Terry by the collar of their shirts and then threw them onto the deck for all of the crew to see.

"BAM! Two pirate spies who were on their way to steal the Pupa from us. Spotted their ship heading towards the island so we went over there and kicked their asses!"

Korvo looked at the two pirates. Both were gagged, the adult was unconscious and the kid was crying next to him.

It made Korvo uneasy to see a kid like this. It made him feel as if he was a bad guy even though this was all Vanbo's fault.

"Why the hell did you knock one of them unconscious?!" Korvo demanded.

"Uhh... well he was threatening us so we knocked him out to avoid trouble." Vanbo nervously grinned

Korvo sighed and turned to Vanbo.

"Whatever. Tie them to the mast so we don't loose them. We'll arrange a meeting with all of the captains and decide what to do about those two. Give the girl some food and water so she doesn't starve to death and we'll deal with them both when the adult wakes up."

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