Chapter 4

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Later that evening, all three crews had gathered on the Missurner to watch the plank walk. Terry and Jessie were currently being held in the brig, both on opposite sides of the ship.

Terry would never admit it but he was genuinely terrified. He knew he was fully accountable for his actions but what he didn't intend to do was bring Jessie down with him.

He sighed and curled up into a ball, feeling sorry for himself. Then, Terry heard the sound of stomping boots on the wooden floor. He sat up and saw Korvo looking at him through the bars.

He scowled at him. "What do you want?" Terry asked.

"I'm here to offer you a deal." Korvo said

"Look, if you're taking up my offer from earlier, then I hate to break it to you but I lost interest as soon as you said you were gonna kill me and my daughter. So good luck trying to find someone else to suck that root of yours." Terry said, turning away from Korvo.

"What..? Ew, no. I've got a proposition that you may want to hear."

"......go on then..." Terry said reluctantly.

"Now, obviously you're a terrible person since your job is literally to kill and steal from people..." Korvo started

"Harsh stereotypes but continue." Terry muttered

"But, I think we can both agree that it isn't fair for Jessie to die because of what you've done."

Terry sighed. He looked at his pirate hat that Jessie had gotten for him. He remembered she got it specially made to fit his head so it didn't blow off at sea. A small gesture but it meant so much to Terry. "So what are you suggesting?" He asked.

"Instead of suffering an early death, I think Jessie should enroll in the same education as my apprentice Yumyulack. The navy teacher, Miss Frankie, is well specialised and with her help, it might not be too late to save Jessie from that terrible pirating mindset." Korvo said.

"So what? You kill me and then take my daughter and put her in a narc school? And you think she'll willingly take those lessons?" Terry asked.

"It's either that or you both die. I'm trying to help you here so you better figure out what you're doing. It has no consequence to me if you both die but I feel you may have a slightly different opinion on that." Korvo turned to walk away.

"W-wait! Why are you trying to help me? I thought you hated pirates?" Terry asked. Korvo stopped and turned around.

"I... don't know... maybe I pity you? Perhaps I'm just trying to stick it to Vanbo... but either way that shouldn't matter. I'm sorry this is happening but unfortunately for you, it's my job. I'll do what I can to help your daughter live." Korvo said

"But I guess I'm a lost cause?" Terry asked hopefully.

Korvo was hesitant to reply ".....yes... tonight you're going to die. You'll be able to talk things over with Jessie before you walk the plank. Give me your final answer then." Korvo said and he left.

Terry sighed and contemplated his options. He knew that if he told Jessie, she would refuse to take the offer and die with him. Sweet but meaningless. He looked back to where Korvo had left.

Why was it that he was trying to help him?

Terry pushed these thoughts aside and stood up. Two crew members came down to the brig to take Terry up to the deck. They bound his hands with ropes and roughly dragged him upstairs.

Collectively, between three ships there were surprisingly not as many crew members as Terry would've thought.

He looked to his left and saw Jessie being dragged up by Yumyulack.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2023 ⏰

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