Chapter 2

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The island of Shlorp was quiet and absolutely bursting with exotic life. There were plants and fruits most people had never even heard of like a zaglar berry which could mimic the flavour of any food you were thinking of! Or the petals of a pilgur flower which, when ground into a paste, could heal any wound twice as quick!

Shlorp also happened to be home to the last remaining Pupa on Earth. Years ago they thrived off of the land but were slowing hunted by other animals until there was only one left.

Three Navy ships pulled into the exotic island and several people got off. Captain Tim and Captain Cherie who were each in charge of the Wallntless and the Jeffenizer respectfully. Then there was Yumyulack. The best swordsman and bounty Hunter in all of the Caribbean. He also happened to be an apprentice to Commodore Korvo, the leader of the fleet and the expedition.

Although people weren't too clear on their relationship to eachother, there were definitely rumours.

Some said that Yumyulack was Korvo's kid who he brought with him into the Navy to keep away from whoever his mother was. Others said that Yumyulack was hired to kill Korvo and still hadn't had the perfect opportunity.

However, what actually happened is that Korvo found Yumyulack in a ship wreckage. It was a fleet ship that had gone down and Yumyulack seemed to be the only survivor. Korvo surveyed the damage and came to the conclusion that pirates must have looted the ship and burnt it down when they were done with it.

The thought of pirates enraged him and he swore from that day on that any pirate or anyone who associated with pirates were to be slaughtered on the spot.

Then, of course there was the captain of the Missurner. Vanbo.

Korvo wasn't particularly fond of Vanbo but he was the only lieutenant that met the requirements to command such a great ship, making him captain by default.

For this mission, Korvo instructed Yumyulack and Vanbo to take a few of the sailors with them to help find and rescue the Pupa.

Only problem is, the Pupa was extremely hard to track and it certainly didn't help that Vanbo carried on getting in the way.

"Ugh, can you just let me do my thing? We've lost it three times because of you!" Yumyulack shouted

"Please, I think I would know more about tracking than some kid who wears his pants too high." Vanbo said smugly.

"Korvo assigned me to be the top scout on this mission. Which means you answer to me."

"Well Korvo also assigned me as Captain of the Missurner. And unlike you, I didn't just get handed the job on a silver platter okay? I earned it. So MY orders are the ones we'll be following."

"Fine. We'll see how this pans out then." Yumyulack smirked to himself.

There was a rustling in the bushes and everyone went silent.

Slowly, Vanbo crept over to then and got ready to pounce.

He threw himself on the creature and blocked in its small tunnel. He then reached in and grabbed its 'tail'.

The pupa whined like a frustrated toddler and tried to slither away but Vanbo had one hell of a grip on it. He threw it in their crate and looked at Yumyulack smugly.

"See? Told you we should listen to me."

"You got lucky." He said. "And besides, Korvo's still gonna be pissed when he sees the damage you've done to it's tail. That could leave a pretty bad bruise."

"It'll live. Not let's head back to the ship. I don't want to get anymore sand in my boots." He said.

As they were walking, Vanbo noticed a small ship in the distance. It wasn't flying any flags but clearly held many canons.

"The hell are you looking at?" Yumyulack asked.

"Take the Pupa and five of the sailors back to the ship. The rest of you, come with me." Vanbo instructed. Yumyulack shrugged his shoulders and carried on walking. Some of the sailors dawdling behind him.

Vanbo and the rest of the sailors ran to the shore and used some of the wooden boats to get out to the ship. Now it was closer, Vanbo could see that his suspicions were indeed right.

He and the crew climbed onto the ship and surrounded the two Pirates on board. Guns prepared to fire.

"Just as I suspected." Vanbo grinned, stepping towards Terry. "Filthy Pirates. You make me sick."

Terry put on a brave face and held Jessie close to him. He always knew this was a possibility, getting captured by the Navy. Pirating could be punishable by death but Terry promised himself that no matter what happens, he's not going to let them lay a finger on Jessie. And dammit, he was going to keep that promise if it killed him.

"Tie them up and take them to the Missurner. I'm sure the Commodore would love to have a word with these two." He smiled maliciously and laughed.

The crew members pulled Jessie and Terry apart and tied them up. But the two pirates made sure to struggle the whole time.

"YOU GET YOUR GROSS FANCY HANDS AWAY FROM HER YOU PRICKS!!" Terry shouted as they tied Jessie.

"Shut up you whinny filth ball!" Vanbo hit Terry on the back of the head with the blunt end of a gun, knocking him out.


"Uhuh. Sure. And how do you plan to do that when you're all tied up like that? Huh?" He taunted. "I've had enough of them. Get them out of here already." Vanbo ordered and the two pirates were dragged away.


Haha so I tried using a few Solar Opposites references this chapter. Like with the WALLntless and the JEFFenizer (Jeff the possum) or the MISSURNur (the mission).

Plus I wanted Vanbo in here so I can show exactly how much I despise him. Nooooowwww we getting somewhere :D

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Solar Opposites pirate AUWhere stories live. Discover now