Chapter 3

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The way to the bakery was short, the following frustration big. The bakery has been closed for five days now due to illness. Orlando cursed, how couldn't he remember it? Three days ago he wanted to get some bread here, there he had already to learn it.

'And what are we doing now?', Liana asked 'are all restaurants opened on Sundays?'

'Maybe not all, but the most.'

'Or would you mind arranging a picnic?', Chris remarked his idea.

'You mean, outside and romantic?'

'Exactly' Now Liana's interest was awaken. She was sure that the picnic would be wonderful in spite of the cold and the rain, which probably came. They agreed that Liana and Chris would already search a place, while Orlando would get the food and other stuff. As soon as the kids have their place, they should call Orlando on their phone.

The trio split up and Chris and Liana discussed, where they could go. Liana could already feel the first few raindrops on her face, why she preferred a place, where you could easily find a shelter, for example in the town itself, but Chris rather wanted stay in the park or the nature. He proposed to go to the taconera park near the Río Arga, the little river that flowed trough Pamplona. In fact, there was also another park, or rather it was a battlement, a citadel, which was called la Ciudadela, but Chris always favored the other park, now it would even be better because at the riverside of the area was a tiny forest, if it rained to much, they could find shelter under a tree. This park should also be deserted during this weather, what was the reason that Liana also agreed to go there. While they were on the way, the thunderstorm began, what made them run. They arrived in the park and prospected for a large tree under which they would have the picnic. Suddenly Liana saw a high cedar at the posterior end of the forest and pulled her friends sleeve before she walked to the tree. The first few seconds her friend didn't realize what she had, but then he also saw the tree. For Chris it was very easy to catch up with her, thanks to his measurement, with which he was about fifteen centimeters taller than Liana, so also his legs. He took her hand, until they arrived at the tree. He let himself fall down to the ground and pulled Liana also down into his arms. She kissed him, while she tousled through his wet hair.

'I love you so much.'

'And I love back, honey', he aspirated, while he sat up and leaned against the trunk, when his look fell on a plastic bottle on the grass nearby. Immediately he got angry with all these people who had no respect for the nature. Soon Liana noticed his stiff posture, what from she inferred that he was really mad.

'Everything okay?', she asked him softly after a kiss. Chris just groaned and told her about his problem while he pointed to the plastic bottle.

Once again Liana had to realize that he descends from another culture, one who took care of the nature, she was happy, that at least a few people worried about their earth. She found it too bad that they stopped living their traditions like they did before the Europeans came to America. She was in high dudgeon that the white people always tried to destroy the Indian cultures because they were, like the Europeans asserted, uncivilized heathens. But as longer she knew Chris and learned stuff about the Indian culture, she understood that they were very religious in their own way. She thought that the word 'uncivilized' was misplaced in this comparison because for her, somebody was civilized when he or she followed the rules and laws of the nation he belonged to. And if another nation had other manners you could say at most 'alternative civilized', but never ever uncivilized. You just call a person or a group uncivilized if they didn't fulfill the manners and rules of the society they belong to. And if this culture had another conception of manners that shouldn't be a problem, you could even think it must be very interesting to gain insight to the way of life from other cultures, but no, everything the white people wanted were richness, force and an unitary culture, which didn't live barbaric. It was nobody's fault that the Native Americans weren't as advanced, referring to weapons, but with their own way of life they could exist well. At least until the Europeans came.

Angry she smashed some tiny needles from the ground what pricked all over into her hands. That didn't mislead her until Chris noticed her anger and appeased her.

'I think we should call Dad, so he can also come.' Liana just nodded and wrapped one of his strand of hair around her finger. Chris smiled and retrieved his cell phone from his pocket. Then he unlocked it and inserted the number of his father, when they suddenly saw a big light incidence and not even a second later the rolling thunder.

'Have you heard that?', Liana asked in panic, whereupon Chris just nodded because Orlando just answered the phone. Quickly he told him they were in the park. Chris knew that Orlando was in the know where they are, it was himself who showed the place to to little boy. All of a sudden a flash struck into ground next to them, what made Liana scream. To quieten her, Chris had to hold her hand.

'And where are you precisely?', Orlando interrogated.

'Under the big fir in the tiny forest.' For a while Orlando was silent.

'What? Under a tree? During this storm? Are you crazy? Depart immediately!' he heard the panic voice of his father.

'Fuck' escaped his lips. He didn't know how he could forget that you mustn't telephone and stay under trees during a storm. Without saying goodbye to Orlando he dropped his phone and hurried away of the tree, together with Liana as the cedar was hit by a lightning. They were at least two meters away from the tree and Chris could God just thank for the luck they had, when Liana hold onto him hardly. Instantly he wanted to quieten her, when everything seemed to spin around him and everything became black.

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