Chapter 4

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Slowly Liana opened her eyes and viewed directly into the sky, why she sat up to browse around. Everything seemed to spin around her and she felt dizzy. Then she got a huge shock, she wasn't anymore in the park, instead on a wide, overgrown grassland. Then her panic increased, where was Chris? As far as she can remember she hugged him before everything became black, he couldn't have disappeared! Or had she been unconscious and somebody separated her from him? But why? And where was she? Without answering these questions she stood up and looked around until she found Chris laying next to her. As she saw his face, she felt warmth flowing through her body, everything could be worse. Just then she noticed that he wore something else and medieval. She squat down beside his head and softly kissed him. But Chris didn't react, what was his matter? Maybe he was unconscious? Gently she stroked his arm until he opened his eyes. Instantly she bend over his face and kissed him. Kissing her back he sat up and cradled her.

'Everything okay, honey?' he asked, realized then that Liana behaved odd.

'What's the matter?' he rephrased his question.

'It's just strange here, where are we?' she spluttered. Now Chris also browsed around and noticed they were somewhere else than in the park and that Liana wore something really strange and looked very old. Suddenly he jumped up and cried out:

'What the hell's going on?' Liana tried to quieten him by hugging and assuring him they would find people and ask for help. They would soon know what happened. Chris had another idea.

'Do you have your cell phone with you? We could call Dad!' Prospective Liana released Chris to search her phone, which seemed to be their last hope, but whit every pocket of her dress she scanned, her hope fell. Finally she looked in every packet again but her phone stayed lost. Desperately she sank to the ground and began to cry. As he saw that, Chris felt abysmal and embraced her.

'Come on sweetie, everything's going to be allright! You'll see, we'll find home.'

'Nothing is allright, we don't have any idea where we are, what shall we do?'

'Don't give up! We'll make it! Everything will be okay!' He hoped so tightly anyhow.

Both got up again and discussed, where they should go now. Chris' idea was, to walk in the opposite direction of the forest because he suspected a village there but Liana preferred to walk along the forest. Right or left she didn't knew. Chris perked his eyebrows up.

'You mean it would be the best if we separate us?'

'To find people it might be the best, but I don't want that honey, we could get lost or don't find us anymore, please I don't want that, please stay with me!'

'I also don't like this idea, so we'll stay together' he took her hand 'you see? I won't let you go, Honest injun!' In spite of this serious situation Liana had to smile, if Chris pronounced this words, he wouldn't ever depart from his word. 'Well, so it would be the best, we just choose one direction and depart before it's dark'

'Yeah, that would be the best thing' Liana agreed before they arranged they would walk to the right direction along the forest.

To distract themselves they wanted to listen to music, so Chris searched his iPod but like Liana's mobile phone it wasn't in one of his pockets. The teenagers decided to sing something instead, whereupon they discussed what they should sing followed. After a time they chose a Christmas Carol, even when it still was middle of November. Together they stroke up 'Holy night', what didn't sound well but it seemed to calm them down anyway. None of them knew the text of the second verse, so they invented their own Christmassy strophe. While they were formulating it, Liana supposed to see a house near the border of the forest a bit further the way. Joyful they approached and could confirm there was really a house. Their happiness increased, when they even saw a man kneeling in the garden and working. Now they walked a bit faster until they where on a level with the building. The man didn't noticed them.

'Excuse me, Señor, may you tell us where we are, please?' When the man turned his head in their direction, the couple saw a confused expression on his face while he surveyed them.

'You are in the kingdom of Navarra, near Pamplona. But may I dare a question, what is the reason you have to know that?', he asked them gradually. Chris hold her hand tighter, they were near their home. At least one serviceable and good message. Now remained just the questions what happened that they came here and why they wore this weird costumes.

'Thank you very much, Señor. But could you please show us the direction where the city is?' They hoped they had taken the right way, otherwise they had to go back again.

'Which city? You mean to be sure the little farming village? After evaluating your clothes you can not be affiliated to the bailey. Howsoever, to reach the village you have to go further in a westward direction but if I were you I would reflect twice if I would actually go there. The Twelve are again among us.', he whispered with a mysterious voice. Chris just shook his head in astonishment, what was wrong with this guy? Has he lost his mind? And first of all, where was west? Upon Chris' question the man shook his head in disbelief and pointed to the right. They exhaled in relief, after all the had chosen the right way.

'Thanks' Chris commentated briefly on his question and had another question on the tip of his tongue, but he pulled himself together to let it be. He wanted to ask if they may could telephone his father but how he judged the man he would just grumble or he even had no phone. Besides they were at home soon anyway.

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