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*I don't own any of these images nor any of these characters apart from my OCs*

Isabella's pov:

It had been four days since I learned about the bat family's (as I now refer to them all) identities. The tabloids are still going mad and most people are still talking about the shocking news. It is getting boring ,but mum has gotten curious. Not about the news.

She was wondering who I was constantly talking too. Who I was always on the phone with. Who I was going to meet with. I gave her hints ,but she never fully caught on. I was trying to build up the courage to tell her about everything ,except the hero part. So not everything ,but still most things.

"Muuuum!" I called out ,lazily flopping onto the sofa(couch). "Yes?" She spoke back ,walking out of the kitchen and into the living room. "I have something to tell youuuu." I replied ,drawing out the 'U'.  "Then tell meeeee." She imitates. "Well I can't right now. We have to wait for a few people." I reply sitting up.  "Oooh. You're blushing." She teased. "Am not." I retort ,covering my face. "Are too." She spoke. "Am not." I reply dropping dramatically back into the sofa(couch) ,flinging my hand onto my face.

"You're so dramatic." Mum laughs sitting down. "Yeah? Well I'm just the remix ,take it up with the producer." I comment monotonously. It went silent for a moment ,until we made eye contact and began howling with laughter. "Oh wow," Mum managed to get out ,wiping tears away from her eyes as she spoke. "That...that's amazing."  "And true." I pipe in ,calming down from our laughing fit. "Yeah ,yeah." Mum dismisses. "So ,who are we waiting for?" She asks ,purely out of curiosity.  "Some very important people." I reply solemnly.

"Okay ,except that doesn't really answer my question." She comments.  "I know. But ,you did ask when you were going to meet them. And I do happen to have a liking for mysteries." I counter.  "No way!" She gasps. "These are the people who you've been meeting up with when you take Lola for a walk."
"I told you about meeting them." I defend myself. "Yeah ,you told me about meeting them once-weeks ago." Mum spoke. "Well....yeah. But I still told you about them." I weakly protest.

"You're happy with them ,right?" Mum asks after a few moments of silence. "Yes." I mutter. "Good. Just know if they hurt you ,I will murder them ,revive them ,murder them again ,revive them again, and torture them. Then I'll let Lola and Iris at 'em." She announces. "Okay." I laugh. "I will!" Mum speaks indignantly. "I know. Thats what makes it funny." I reply nodding intently.

"Speaking of Lola and Iris ,where are they." Mum asks ,suddenly realising she hasn't seen them. "Iris is in my pocket," I speak fishing her out and showing her to mum , "and Lola is underneath the coffee table."  "Wha-Lola." Mum chuckles after looking under the table ,Lola just tilts her head in response.
"Do you think she knows we're involving her in my plan to commit murder?" Mum asks curiously. "Nah." I respond ,shaking my head in disagreement.
"You're probably right." Mum concluded. "Woof!" Lola barks ,as if to show she knows. We went quiet ,out of the corner of my eye I could see mum turn away from me and stare at Lola-who just went back to sleep. "Was that-was that an agreement or a disagreement?" Mum leans over and whispers. "I dunno ,but I think we should be scared." I replied ,whispering as well. "Definitely." Mum nodded. 

"OH!" mum suddenly exclaimed jumping up. "What?" I spoke also jumping up. "THE CAKE!" mum yells before running out the room. "Cake? You made-YOU MADE CAKE!" I raise my voice ,but I get no reply. I went to call out again ,but got side tracked by my phone pinging. Sitting back down ,I pick up my phone a glance at the screen to see who texted me. The contact name read: the baddest b's. Steph and Cass. Obviously. We made our own group chat.

We made a few actually. One with all of us in it ,one with just the girls in it and the group chat with the boys and I.


Steph: Hello! We're almost at your place.
Isabella: Oh cool ,how close?
Cass: At the end of your road.
Cass: oh no
Cass: we're getting closer
Cass: and closer
Isabella: I get the point
Isabella: you could've warned me btw.

*real life*

"Muuuum!" I yell running into the kitchen like a hooligan. "Jesus-" Mum began. "Nope just me." I grin before continuing. "They're almost here!" "Who." Mum asked. "Them!" I hissed. "Wh-Oh. Them?" Mum asked again ,seeking confirmation. I nod my head yes. "Oh. How far away are they?" Mum asked again. "Judging by the sound of their bickering at the front door ,I'd say they're really close." I comment ,as the door bell rings soon after.
"Ah." Mum replies. "We'll come on ,let's go let them in." She continued pulling me to the door. "Right. Yeah we should do that." I nod as mum reaches for the door handle and pulls the door open.

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