Chapter 1

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I flip the test over to reveal the two extremely faint pink lines. I was pregnant. I inhale deeply, thinking of my life ahead of me and how quickly it is about to change.

"Emily, breakfast" I hear Aiden call out from the kitchen. My mind flicks back into reality. 

"Coming" I reply back. I get up off the ground and head downstairs. "Smells like pancakes" I smile, sitting up at the barstools.

"For you" Aiden smirks, placing a plate of pancakes in front of me and sitting down. I nervously smile, thinking about the test and how and when to tell him. Aiden looks over at me and smiles. 

"Something wrong?" he laughs. I smile and look up at him.

"No, nothing is wrong". I take a bite of my pancakes. A sudden flow of nausea flies over me. I put my hand up to my mouth and attempt to swallow the bite. I exhale. My head starts to spin. 

"Nothing wrong but you are clearly sick" Aiden says, taking my pancakes and eating them. I slowly turn to face him.

"How would you know?" I smile and hold my head.

"Because I just do, up to bed for you" he says with a mouthful of food. I stand up and he holds my arm for support. My head spins again.

"I got to go to the bathroom real quick" I say racing to the door. I sit on the ground and throw up in the toilet. A few minutes later I hear a soft knock at the door.

"Are you ok in there?" Aiden whispers softly. I wipe my mouth and flush the toilet.

"Yeah" I say, opening the door.

"Yeah I'm fine, must have just eaten something that didn't sit right with me yesterday that's all" I smile, trying to convince Aiden. Aiden looks at me suspiciously. "I told you I'm fine" I laugh.

"Yeah well I don't believe you. Sit here and wait for me" he says sitting me down on the couch. He goes into the kitchen and grabs the thermometer. beep. "37 Celsius, Emily you have a fever" Aiden says. I roll my eyes.

"I feel fine Aiden" I say getting up.

"Uh uh, no" he lightly nudges me down again. "You need a nap". I roll my eyes and smile. "Stay there". Aiden goes upstairs and grabs a pillow and a blanket. "Here" he says, putting the pillow under my head and the blanket over my body. "Now, sleep, you desperately need it," he says, kissing my forehead.

"I don't need it, but as you wish" I reply. Aiden gets up.

"You were up almost all night Emily, yes you do" he smiles. I faintly smile back. I slowly drift off to sleep.


"I need to head off to work for a couple of hours, I'll see you later" I hear Aiden whisper in my ear and kiss my head.

"I love you" I whisper.

"I love you too," he whispers back. I hear the door shut and my eyes immediately open. I wasn't tired, I was still in shock, though the nap did help. I grab my phone and call Nolan.

"Hey Ems, I feel like I haven't heard from you in ages" Nolan brightly says. "Hey, sorry I've been busy. Do you want to come over today? Aiden just went out" I reply. "Sure I'll be there in 5" he says and hangs up the phone. I sit up and fold the blanket and put the kettle on.

"I see you're still leaving your door unlocked" Nolan smiles as he comes inside. I laugh.

"Yeah it's just easier".

"Let me go to the bathroom real quick and then you can tell me everything that's been happening recently" Nolan smiles and jogs over to the bathroom. I smile and pour two coffees. 


"So Ems, I have a question" he says confused.

"Sure what's u-" I look up at Nolan who's holding up my pregnancy test. "Nolan, what are you doing with that?". I go to grab the test out of his hand but he moves it up higher out of my reach. 

"What am I doing with it? What are you doing taking it? And why did you leave it on the floor?" Nolan asks. I step back down and roll my eyes.

"I took it because I wasn't feeling well" I say. "And I forgot to pick it up when I took it this morning." I reply. Nolan turns the test to face him.

"Emily this thing is positive, you're pregnant" he says confused. I snatch the test from him.

"I know, I know" I sigh. "Don't say anything to anyone though" I quickly say. Nolan laughs.

"Am I first to know, wow don't I feel special".

"You weren't supposed to know though" I reply handing him his coffee.

"So now at least we have something to talk about, tell me all the gossip" he says. We sit down on the couch. I don't say anything. Nolan laughs at me. "Anything Ems. Start off strong, was it planned?" he asks. I smile.

"Well no, we had been talking about it like a tiny little bit but definitely not". Nolan looks at me confused.

"Wait so, the thing Victoria told you after you got shot, is it true?". I flick up. I was supposed to be completely sterile and have no chance of ever getting pregnant. I look at Nolan in shock.

"I forgot about that, dammit I'll have to get it checked".

"You didn't get it checked when she told you? It's Victoria Grayson, she is known for lying" Nolan sarcastically scoffs.

"Well if you were told that after just being shot and remembering nothing, would your first thought be to go back to the doctors? No" I scoff.

"Ok ok Ms. Grayson I just asked" Nolan smiles. I roll my eyes and smile.

"Don't call me that". Nolan takes a drink of his coffee.

"Next question, is it Daniel or Aiden's baby?" he asks. I roll my eyes. Once again something I hadn't even thought of. I groan.

"Dammit I didn't even think of that either. It's probably Aiden's, I haven't been with Daniel since before the wedding and the hospital would've picked it up if I was pregnant then anyways". I look up at Nolan and smile. His smile back is reassuring.

"This is kind of really chaotic" Nolan giggles. I laugh.

"No shit, really". I grab my phone. "What do I do?" I say. Nolan shrugs his shoulders.

"You're literally the second person I've met that's pregnant, I have no clue".

"I guess I'll call the doctor, get it confirmed and all that stuff" I say. I call the doctor's office.

"Hi, this is Emily Thorne...yes I think I may be pregnant...only today I found out...tomorrow afternoon?...sounds good thank you...bye" I put the phone down and rub my face.

"Tomorrow afternoon, does that give you enough time to tell Aiden?" Nolan asks. I shrug.

"I don't know how he is going to react to it" I reply.

"Maybe I'll tell him after the appointment, just in case something is wrong". Nolan looks at me skeptically.

"Would he care?".

"I don't know, I just don't have a good feeling about telling him" I sigh.

Life as we know it (Revenge Aiden x Emily fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now