Chapter 4

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I slam the door shut of the car and go inside. I wipe a tear away as I go.

"Hey it's ok, he probably didn't even mean it" Nolan says rubbing my back. I back away and turn around angrily.

"I know, I don't really care. I'm just going to go take this test and I'll be back" I say quickly racing to the bathroom. I hear Nolan sigh behind me. I take the test and come back to the couch.

"3 minutes and it will be ready" I say. Nolan looks at my concerned.

"You are awfully chill about what you saw in town Ems". I roll my eyes.

"Well I'll just have to keep an eye on him, maybe it wasn't on purpose". I then think. What if I stayed home tonight? Would he have still snuck out? Should I not be here? Nolan snaps me back into reality.

"The test" he says, picking it up.

"You can look if you want," I say, folding my arms. Nolan turns the test around and smiles.

"It's another positive". He hands me the test and I smile and lean back on the couch. Being happy about this was definitely not the first expression that came to mind when I thought of being a mother, but things changed and Jack was right, I need a baby to have that happiness back in my life again. I have my fiancé and friends but I think this baby will be the piece to my puzzle that I'm missing.


We sit and chat about the baby and the future until I realize it's 8:30 pm.

"How the hell did it get so late?" I say looking at my phone.

"I better go see if Aiden is home". We get up and Nolan walks me to the door.

"What time do you want me to pick you up tomorrow?" Nolan asks.

"Well the appointment is at 3 so maybe 2:15 since we have to drive there and park" I reply. Nolan smiles.

"See you then". I wave goodbye and go to my car. No messages from Aiden asking where I have been. Surprised that he doesn't care that I have been gone for 4 hours but also not surprised, he was with another woman after all. I drive home and slowly go into the driveway. His car is there, and someone else's.

"Fucking Niko" I mumble. I ring Aiden and he doesn't answer. I ring again, and again until he finally picks up.

"Emily hey, where are you?" he asks. I can just see two shadows moving inside. I quickly reverse out of the driveway and a little down the road.

"I am just about to leave Nolan's, need anything while I'm out?" I say. I hear mumbles.

" I'm alright, I'll see you soon then"  he says and hangs up the phone. I roll my eyes. This thing with Niko better not be serious. As I wait for Niko to leave I realize it is best not to bring it up with him. He will just become suspicious of me and then will be secretive, it is for the best. Niko's car speeds out of the driveway and down the road past me. I sink down slightly so she doesn't notice me. Once she is out of sight I slowly drive back into the driveway. Aiden is still outside.

"Shit this better not look suspicious" I whisper to myself.

"Hey" I say hopping out and locking the car.

"Oh hey, you got back quick" he says. He is nervous, I can tell.

"Yeah the road wasn't busy at all surprisingly" I say. As I walk past him, he pulls me in for a hug. 

"I love you" he whispers. A feeling of relief washes over me. Maybe it wasn't on purpose.

"I love you too" I whisper back. He kisses my head and we walk inside.

"Okay this time I am actually going to bed" I say looking up at the clock.

"Yeah 9 pm sounds a little better than 4:30" Aiden laughs. I smile. "I'll come up with you then, I'm tired too" he says, taking off his shirt and revealing his abs. I look down at them and back up at his face.

"What?" he smiles. I giggle.

"Nothing" I tease. Aiden jogs over and picks me up. I laugh and kick my legs.

"Not again". Aiden goes upstairs with me over his shoulder. He flips the covers over and puts me down onto the pillow.

"You need sleep," he whispers, pulling the covers over my body. He goes to the other side and hops in bed next to me. I roll over slightly to face him. He kisses his finger and brushes my nose. 

"Goodnight my love" he whispers. I smile and close my eyes.



I wake up early once again. The mix of morning sickness and me being an early riser is not a good mix. I grab my phone and race to the bathroom. After I feel a little better I look down at my phone. 4 am. Dammit, I'm so tired. An hour and a half later I hear Aiden wake up. 5:30 am. At least we went to bed early the night before.

"Knock knock, you okay in there?" I hear him whisper. I wipe my face and flush the toilet.

"Yeah I'm fine" I say. I'm not fine, this sickness is stronger than yesterday's.

"You've been in there a while, I heard you get up ages ago" he says as I open the door.

"No, only like 5 minutes. But I was up earlier, needed a drink. I came back to bed" I smile. Aiden kisses my lips. Thank god for the mint I took a minute ago.

"I think I'm going to go for a swim," I say ducking under his arm and going to the wardrobe. "I'd join you if I didn't have work" he smirks.

"Or if you liked the cold water" I laugh. Aiden smiles.

"I don't prefer it but I don't hate it". I grab my bathers and go towards the bathroom again. 

"Whatever you say" I smile, shutting the door behind me. I quickly put my bathers on and brush my teeth. As I turn to dry my hands something catches my eye in the mirror. I stand back in front of the mirror and turn to my side. Of course you can tell there's a bump in these bathers. It's not big but it is there. Most wouldn't notice but Aiden notices almost everything, I guess I'll have to be careful. I go downstairs with a towel wrapped around my waist. Aiden's already in his suit and making a coffee.

"See you later," I say. Aiden walks past me with his coffee and kisses the top of my head.

"See you tonight" he says, closing the door behind him. I never knew why he went to work so early but by the time you drive there it takes almost an hour anyways so I never questioned it. I lock the back door and walk down to the beach. The Spring air brushing through my hair. I wasn't used to this weather because we would go back to the city from Autumn to Spring but this year was different, Aiden and I had just gotten engaged and I had just gotten shot so we thought it was best to stay for the year. I lay my towel down on the sand and dive into the cold water. After doing this almost every morning for 3 years you definitely get used to the water temperature.

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