Washed Out Burner

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Lori! I really don't understand how these things happen to us. What are we? In some anime!

"JOE! UHHHER!" Lori roars. I dart in her steamy direction, as I do so I turn around towards Tren and point to the hose behind her. She gets the hint and rushed towards it. I rip the shirt from around my waist and start bashing it on Lori.

"There she blows!" Tren screams and water engulfs us both.

It's all a blur. I open my eyes to only see black. I push off what ever I landed on to only realize...

"Get your face out of my ass!" Lori yell and slaps my face...with her foot. I roll backwards towards Tyler and hit her in the legs causing her to fall over.

"Ah!" She yelps and lands on top of me elbowing me in the face.

"Ay! You to alrig-" Lori walks over towards up and slips in a puddle causing her to collapse on top of Tren...kneeing me in the face. After this whole scene I bet you I'm gunna have a black eye.

"Lori! Lori! I got the fire out!" I feel the weight leave me and glance towards the sound of Stein's voice.

"Thanks for asking if I'm okay you log!"

"Well you look fine so." Then it hits me. 'I got the fire out' my house! I nudge Tren. She looks towards me then mouths 'oh' and gets up. I place a hand on her shoulder mouthing 'you okay?'. She just nods her head and I run towards my house.

Silent Torture (girlXgirl)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon