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Name: Kenneth Taylor

Age: 18

Height: 5ft 8in

Source: Hybrid/Klyntars

Crush: Oc or Ghost Spider (Gwen Stacy)

Powers: Enhanced strength/speed/reflexes, web slinging, wall crawling, ESP (spider sense), ESP immunity

Personality: Protective, stubborn, heroic, calm, caring, confident

Backstory: Kenneth had mostly a normal life, good parents, good friends, good school. He moves to New York to go to college, but got so much more. The young man quickly grew an admiration for Spider-Man, wishing he could help the super hero. During a night walk home Kenneth cutted though an alley, not realizing that something had latched onto his clothes. That thing was Hybrid, a combination of four klyntars that were the children of Venom. They would bond to Kenneth in his sleep, feeling his thoughts of helping others and immediately feeling pleased. In Kenneth' dream, Hybrid decided to properly introduce themselves to their new host. Together the five formed a near perfect bond and became a new ally to Spider-Man.

 Together the five formed a near perfect bond and became a new ally to Spider-Man

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Kenneth's looks:

Kenneth's looks:

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Hybrid's looks:

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