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Alastor slammed on the breaks. "Excuse you?" He blinked in confusion at Louis. Needless to say, Al had not been expecting this.

"Look I just want to see if it... Excites.. me?" Louis smiled awkwardly. "It seems like a good way to check if I am a.. uh sinner?"

"I kill and eat people before I talk about them on my radio show." Alastor stared at him. "I'm very much still human." Alastor hummed with his signature smile on his face. He looked a little more strained than usual however. "I was going to make you one of my victims until all this happened." He vaguely gestured to the road behind them. 

"But you didn't" Louis smiled brightly.

Alastor paused. "Alright. Let's see if we can pick up a hitch hiker or something." He gave up. 

Louis grinned in excitement. "Yes! I can't wait."

' You really need to see a dead body to realise who you are? ' 

Louis jolted slightly at the clearness of the voice inside his brain. He quietly wondered why the voice couldn't just tell him. Alastor continued to drive while Louis watched the countryside pass them by. "Look our victim." Louis' eyes sparked with mischief and excitement when he spotted the hitchhiker holding out their thumb. Alastor grinned and slowed the car to a stop. "You need a ride?!" Louis rolled the window down. 

"If you don't mind? I'm on my way to a convention a few towns over. I stepped out of the bus in the wrong place." The round looking man was wearing a pinstripe black and yellow suit. "My name's Eggs."

"I'm Louis, the driver is Alastor." Louis made sure to come across as none threatening and friendly. "We'll drop you off in the next city over, sound good?" Louis caught the satisfied grin on Alastor's face. Luckily Eggs couldn't see it from the backseat. "Yes thank you very much." Eggs had a relieved smile on his face. He seemed happy to be off of his feet for a little while.

The rest of the ride was spend with some small talk, Louis doing his best to make sure Eggs stayed comfortable with them. Alastor, as a radio host, could certainly keep the conversation going. They talked about nothing and everything. Eggs none the wiser about the two men's intentions with him. He only started to get a little nervous when they turned into the small gravel road leading into the forest. "Uh.. where are we?" Eggs blinked. "There's a road block up ahead on the main road so we have to take the scenic route." Alastor explained trying to get Eggs to settle down again. Eggs believed the lie and quickly relaxed. "Alright." He hummed chipper. They eventually pulled up to Alastors house and the car stopped.

Eggs opened his mouth to once again ask why his chauffeurs were being weird, when Louis turned and punched his lights out. "Nice punch." Alastor chuckled slightly proud. Louis had jabbed the man in the face hard enough to break his nose. "How is your hand?" Al asked a little concerned. "Perfectly fine why?" Louis hummed delighted by the violence. "No reason." Alastor dismissed it.

They brought their victim inside and Alastor set everything up for Louis. The man, angel? Demon? Himself was jittery with excitement. He remembered the symphony of screams from those he had once tortured. Louis remembered something and it made him feel Alive.

Once tied and strung up to the ceiling Louis promptly threw a bucket of ice cold water in Egg's face.

(TW vague torture and death)

Egg's awoke with a scream, he sputtered and protested immediately. His cries of, "What is this? What are you doing? What the hell?" Fell on dead ears.

Louis, felt like he was drowning in extacy when he made the first cut. This felt real. For once he felt connected to the malicious voice in his head. He was whole. Louis only realised he was giggling like a mad man when he felt Alastor's body against his back. The taller man steered Louis' knife to make more precise cuts. "Don't waste his meat darling. He is so nice and pudgy." Alastor purred in his ear with a chuckle. Louis' breath hitched in his throat, both at the feeling of Alastor so close and the musical screams coming from eggs.

Alastor guided Louis' motions to skin Eggs alive. The man screamed until his vocal cords burst. Louis found delight in cutting the meat to ribbons. They continued cutting when their victim bled out. Louis mourned the pretty screams. "I wish I could bring him back and listen to him scream some more." Louis pouted. The two of them were covered in blood, Alastor had never looked more attractive in his opinion.

"If only you were actually an angel and not a demon." Alastor purred.

"You think me a demon?~"

"Of course. You're no boring angel with those pretty giggles of yours."

"Stop it. You're making me blush." Louis swatted at him with a bright smile. "You might be right. I really. Really like cutting things."

' Once a soldier... '

The doorbell rung, once then twice. Disturbing their gruesome but happy moment. "Oh fuck." Louis looked up at Alastor. "You're covered in blood. I will try to do my best keep our unwanted guest busy." Alastor promised him. He quickly whiped his hands to the best of his ability. Then he went to answer the door.

"Alastor? You're under arrest for suspicion of murder." It was Cho and she had backup. Dogs, five of them and three more cops. "On what grounds. Detective." Alstor smiled calmly. On the inside he was trying his best to not freak the fuck out. Louis his baby murderer was in his house with blood on his hands. He could pin it all on Louis. It would be easy. So easy. But. Alastor had gotten attached to the amnesiac. He wouldn't just sell him out like that.

"There was a witness who saw you leave with your last victim. You have the ri.. hey!" Cho frowned when Alastor smashed the door in her face. "Louis!" Alastor raced through the room grabbed his partner by the arm and smashed through the back door. "It's the cops." Alastor's smile had dropped, showing just how serious this was. "Oh god." He could hear the dogs as the cops released them to go after them. "DON'T BRING MY FATHER INTO THIS." Louis screamed in panic.

Alastor did not have time to process that outbreak for a loud gunshot rung out through the forest. The cops had been screaming for them to stop and had started shooting. For some reason this one shot echoed in Alastors ears. Louis dropped to the forest floor. "..Louis?" Alastor whispered as he caught his partner. "Lou.. you." He trailed off as Louis coughed up blood. He tried to speak. Tried his best to comfort the grief stricken Alastor. "Don't cry. Thank you for this adventure." Louis choked.

Alastor shook his head. "Stop it. Stop talking."  He seethed. The dogs were coming closer. He could hear their barking their snarling. Spurred on by the scent of blood they were coming for him.

Louis grabbed his attention by cradling his face. "I rem... I remember." He gasped. "My name is Lu..." Alastor never got to hear him finish his sentence. Louis seemingly exploded in a bright light. Somewhere in Alastor's mind he realised Louis had probably been an angel after all. A jaded one but an angel none the less. Alastor simply despaired he would go to hell while his Louis had returned to heaven.

The dogs were upon him, Alastor screamed as they ripped him to shreds and finished the job. They weren't meant to do that. But dead bodies weren't meant to implode either. Alastor's last thoughts were about how he never really got to take Louis out on a proper date.


All was quiet in hell their ruler had been gone for a couple of months now but it's not like he was missed. Hell's overlords had things in control. And when the man popped back in nobody really took note.

The surprising and destructive manifestation of an unnaturally powerful demon was another story. The demon was quickly dubbed the Radio demon for the way he broadcasted his killings to the rest of hell. Nobody realised he hoped to reach heaven with his broadcasts. Hoped to reach his Louis. His partner.

/////AN Whaaaaaat?! An update not 6 months apart. How could this have happened?!

So next up is the prologue. Or the Hell ark. I dont know if I can squeeze out more than one more chapter. I might might not. We'll see.

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