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He was floating, suspended in air. It was quite the pleasant feeling. He contemplated silently, wondering what happened. He had been... doing... what had he been doing? Who was he anyways? Where was he now? Why was he suspended in darkness? What had happened?

The sensation of falling down, deep far down made him panic. He tried to flail his arms. His panic threefolded when he realised he was unable to move. He didn't have a body. Where was his body.

Next came the crash. Then a breath. He had a body. He was laying on his back. The solid ground beneath him had never been more comforting. There was sound around him. People were talking, saying things that sounded quite like gibberish to him. Someone touched his wrist and his neck gently. A female voice yelled something.

He wondered quietly what it was, they were saying. There were more hands on him and someone tried to lift him up. He shouted and shot up eyes wide open. He immediately regretted it. The light in his eyes hurt more than he was willing to admit. The sight of the shredded remains of six humans laying around a pentagram, was not a nice first view of the world.

He gagged and covered his eyes with his hands quickly. They were wet. Covered in blood. He quickly passed out after that and knew no more.

Next he awake he was sitting in a pristine white room. This.. was nice. A bit unsettling, but it reminded him of home. Before he could fully grasp the feeling and settled it into his brain it was gone again. He frowned and looked at his clean hands as a detective and a nurse came in.

"Hello. I'm detective Cho Ekker." The woman smiled. "Hello detective." His tone was cheery but his smile lacked honesty. "I was hoping you could answer some questions?"

"Maybe you can answer some of mine?" He asked gently.

"I.. suppose. What's your name?" Cho frowned.

"I wanted to ask that to you?"

"You don't remember who you are?"


"Then you dont remember what happened at the crime scene?"


"That... you were one of our suspect for the murders. As your hands were covered in blood and your only injury is a concussion."

"Oh. Uh. I'm sorry. I only remember darkness. I don't... think I'm capable of murder?" He smiled awkwardly.

"Its ok. We'll try to find your name in our databases. Just focus on trying to remember for us. If you're not the killer and they're still out there. They need to be stopped. My friend at the bureau will set you up with a partner with whom you can start up a new life. As with amnesia you're clearly not capable of doing much on your own." Cho patted his leg gently before she left.

Only three days later he was meeting up with his babysitter for the foreseeable future. Cho hadn't been able to find his identity in the files and His dreams weren't really helpful either. Falling. Falling and burning.

He found a name he liked on a website. -The internet was a fantastic experience.- And named himself Louis. The newly named Louis smiled at the short plump woman standing in his hospital room. "Hello." Louis smiled softly. "Hey sweetie I'm Mimzie. I'll be the one helping you get back to your own feet."

"Mimzie owns a bar in town. She'll give you a job and a roof over your head." Cho explained to Louis. He nodded slightly unsure how he felt about work. The anxiety to do his new job perfectly bubbled in his stomach. He felt like she would make him leave if he made a mistake. Louis wondered silently where those feelings came from.

"Let's get you dressed sweetie. We have shopping to do." Mimzie smiled. Louis wanted to protest. He didn't want the nice woman to spend her money on him. He decided against it however. One look into her eyes told him she was not a woman to mess with.

After a hectic shopping spree. Three hours later they were standing in a cosy old bar. The western style interior with the small lanterns on the walls made for quite the nice venture.  Louis set the many bags of clothes on one of the tables. "You live here?" He frowned slightly. It's nice but... why are there so many tables?" He tilted his head like a confused bird. Mimzie laughed at him. "Oh hoho no. Dearie. This is my bar. People come here in the evening to drink listen to music or hang out with their friends. " the small woman laughed and beckoned him to a door behind the bar.

Louis sighed and picked his bags and boxes back up. He dragged everything through the door, up a flight of stairs and through another door into a living room. "This is my home. Now your room is that door in the hall on the right. I have a bed and a closet in there for you. You can put your clothes in that." Mimzie explained. Louis nodded, eager to prove himself he set out to do the task. He started off clumsy but quickly became proficient in putting away his clothes.

Once finished he smiled at his full closet and turned to the neat bed. He frowned. Something... something was off. He didn't know what it was. But something about that bed made him thing it was wrong. Louis scavenged the house for pillows and blankets. Pulling them into his room. He quickly build a modern style angel nest.  Not that he knew he did that. Louis smiled at the result. "Perfection." He mumbled softly and joined Mimzie in the bar downstairs.

"So.. Cho told me I would have to work. But I don't think i have any skills so what would i be doing?" Louis asked Mimzie. "Waiting." Mimzie smiled. ".. Y.. yes. I am waiting for your answer." Louos looked confused. Mimzie laughed. "No sweetheart. You're going to wait on people. You'll be my waiter. As I doubt you can handle the bar. You will serve drinks and ask people if they have enough to drink. You will give them the bill and answer any questions they might have. Unless it is intrusive of course. You don't need to answer questions about yourself unless you want to." Mimzie spoke as if she were speaking to a child.

Louis frowned softly. He didn't like that tone. "Oh don't worry about that. I don't know the answer to any questions people might have." Louis smirked slightly as the woman cringed.

"Let's start balancing training." Mimzie made Louis walk around twirling and twisting with a serving platter and some drinks. She added more drinks the longer he managed not to drop anything. Louis posture was amazing. His balancing game was even better. He gracefully twirled and avoided everything Mimzie threw at him. Once they were finished, louis looked at her expectantly. "How did I do?" He grinned brightly. She simply gaped

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