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Lilith wasn't dumb. She was beauty and brains, her partnership with Lucifer had been mostly a business deal for many a millennia. That did not mean she didn't care for her (ex)Husband.

When he returned from his little stint in the over world she thought about asking what took him so long. She wisely decided against it with Lucifers murderous expression whenever earth was mentioned. Clearly something has gone wrong. When the fallen one continued to mope for the next few centuries, she eventually had enough.

Lilith mustered up every bit of dominance in her black shrivelled soul and set herself down on top of Lucifer's paperwork. She idly noted the existence of the radio on the edge of his desk but thought nothing of it.

"Enough of this Luci!" She pushed his chair back with one of her pointy heels.

"Enough of what?" Lucifer grumbled in response. He looked irritated by her interrupting his job. Taking care of Hell's finances was important! Ok so maybe it wasn't and he was just trying to distract himself from... Things.


"You just gestured to all of me." Lucifer gave her his bitch face.

"Yes. Your moping around is getting depressing to watch. You should get laid." Lilith hummed.

"I disagree. That's exactly what shouldn't happen." Lucifer grumbled.

Lilith raised an eyebrow at him. "So the reason you're like this, absolutely does not have anything to do with your sudden radio obsession?" She smirked when Lucifer's pale face became quite the pretty shade of red. "Oh it is.~" she hissed interested. "You have a thing for... Alastor perhaps? Is that why you go invisible every time he shows up anywhere within 30 meters of you?" Lilith teased.

"Ok so maybe I like him. He'd never... he doesn't. It's complicated ok." Lucifer frowned.

"You can tell me." Lilith hummed softly she lifted his face with a single finger. "I wont judge you for it." She promised softly.

Lucifer took a deep breath and recounted his adventures as the amnesiac Louis and how he had fallen in love with a serial killer.

"But then I was dieing and I couldn't tell him my name and fuck he must think I went to heaven or some shit. That stupid priest said I was an angel." Lucifer sighed dragging a hand over his face.

"But darling. You are." Lilith chuckled at her (ex?) Husband's despair. "I think he loved you. He's been trying to gain enough power to broadcast his shows straight to heaven."

"..Really?" Lucifer sounded hopeful then. "How would you know." He frowned, sceptical once more.

"I'm a social butterfly." Lilith purred.

"You're a gossip you mean."

Lilith laughed. "Yes. Now go find your man. A little birdy told me he's helping out our little Charlie with her passion project." She smiled and booped Lucifer on the nose.

"Right. That." Lucifer pulled a face.

"Show her some support. She's doing her best." Lilith huffed at him. "Quietly murdering those news anchors does not count!" She called after him as he left the room.

"Does too!" Lucifer yelled back.

Lilith smiled proud of him for taking this step.


Lucifer stared ahead as the limousine brought him to the hazbin hotel. This. This was torture. He nervously picked at the edge of his coat. He put on a strained smile as he approached the front door and knocked.


"Are we expecting anyone?" Angel hummed around his half molten popsicle.

"No. Not that I know of?" Charlie shrugged. "Vaggie? Can you get that?" She smiled brightly at her girlfriend.

Vaggie grumbled something in Spanish before walking over to the door. "You're the best!" Charlie smiled as Vaggie opened the front door with a perfect customer service smile. "How can I.. " she paused at the sight of Lucifer standing there. One of his hands was raised mid air as if he was about to knock again. Vaggie promptly shut the door. "It's your dad!" She hissed.

"Oh?" Alastor perked up in interest. He had yet to meet Satan, naturally he was curious.

"What do we do? The hotel hardly looks presentable yet!" Charlie panicked. "No offence Nifty. You're doing a swell job." She praised the tiny demon who huffed softly.

"Perhaps you shouldn't keep him waiting." Alastor adviced his amused smile only widened.

Vaggie nodded and opened the door. "Uh. Sorry bout that. Sudden impromptu staff meeting. How can I help you my lord." Vaggie's eye twitched.

"Please, Vaggie you're dating my daughter. You're allowed to call me Lucifer." The king of hell strolled into the room his eyes immediately found Alastor. He however quickly looked away when their eyes met.

The radiodemon stared at Satan, he knew that voice from somewhere. He knew Lucifer from somewhere. Yet they had never met.

Lucifer was freaking out. This had been a terrible idea. He needed to play it cool. "The hotel doesn't look terrible." He observed, stalling for time. Lucifer rolled his shoulders in discomfort he could feel Alastor's gaze on him.

"I thought you didn't approve of my childish dream." Charlie said icily.

"Not necessarily. I think your dream is simply childishly optimistic. Yet if a priest recognizes Satan as an angel. Who knows maybe you could redeem a demon." He looked up at Alastor when he said it. But the realisation came from Angel first.

"O my fuck. Oh shit. That was you?!" Angel gasped.

Alastor blinked. "Louis." He mumbled.

Lucifer nodded slowly. "I shouldn't have co.." he started saying. Alastor cut him off by slamming their lips together.

"Ew." Charlie mumbled and covered her eyes. "We should..  clean some rooms." Vaggie dragged the peanut gallery away from the pair.

Alastor pulled back a little. "You shouldn't have waited." He hummed softly.

"We have the rest of eternity to make up for lost time." Lucifer smiled softly.

"I'll hold you to it."

Lucifer happily pulled Alastor in for another tender kiss.


////AN That's it! Jesus christler this took me a while. I wanted to finish this up before I took another 6 months to get back to it again. It's finally done! Lemme know your thoughts.

Also check out my other fics if you like. Lucifer (from Lucifer, hazbin or supernatural) is in 80% of my fics and I've done a couple of other Hazbin fics as well.

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