Chapter One

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"It would appear that I have broken my best friend." I say between my giggles as we record videos for our YouTube channels.

"Viren! I'm- You- Just- I can't believe you said that! I can't- I'm in tears!" Dustin responds through his tears.

"When Santa cums under your tree, then we can talk. Emptying all his goddamn sacks. Emptied the wrong one.. Or the right one, am I right? I mean there's a kink for everything nowadays I'm sure there's a Santa kink." I begin to point out.

"Yeah! It's the daddy kink!" Dustin shouts through his laughing fit.

"Dustin no!"

"Dustin yes!"

"I mean- You're technically correct and I don't know how to feel about tha- Fuck!" I interrupt my own sentence as I get plus-foured by the bot as we play UNO.

"This is unsexy, negative sexy I just got fucken railed in the most unsexual way, I'm fucken so disappointed, what the fuck."

"Oh no! I missed my turn because I was too busy laughing!" Dustin giggles.

"When robots take over I only hope to ever be railed sexually."


We record for a few hours more before saying our goodbyes, we chat in discord for another hour before deciding to be productive and edit our videos. Once I'm happy with my work I press upload, I know it's going to take a good thirty minutes to an hour for the video to become public so I figure to get up and grab a drink, plan out the rest of my day and then proceed to ignore everything I had planned and lounge out in front of the TV for the rest of the day. How in the hell did my dumbass end up with a career, I have to admit that Dustin and I have done well for ourselves he has a little bit over three million subscribers and I'm close at two point eight million subscribers, don't ask me about the number of Twitch followers I have because honestly I can't even remember right now.

I exit my room and immediately get greeted by my small dog Milo, he runs around me wagging his tail excitedly because he missed me, I try not to let him in my office especially while I'm recording for a few reasons the main two being; I use VoiceMod which puts through a funny voice for my output so no-one really knows how I sound, apart from Dustin when we chat when we're finished recording, and my dog Milo, he gets my authentic voice all the time. And my second reason I don't think I would be able to finish recording, because I would be too busy laughing at how Milo's bark sounds when VoiceMod is on.

 And my second reason I don't think I would be able to finish recording, because I would be too busy laughing at how Milo's bark sounds when VoiceMod is on

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(Milo for context)

As I enter my kitchen first things first, get Milo some food and immediately get myself some chocolate milk, and for the love of everything unholy don't almost mix that up like you almost did last time, Viren, you dumb fuck. I grab Milo's dog biscuits and put them in his bowl, change out the water with some fresh water and watch him eat for a few seconds before going over to the fridge to grab my beverage of choice. And I might as well grab some Cheez-Its while I'm here. Once I grab everything I need I head over to my couch in the living room. I flop like a magikarp, face first, snacks tossed onto the coffee-table, why is a coffee-table called a coffee-table, it's not like I put coffee on it. Oh well, I chrome-cast Disney+ onto the tv and scroll through the app mindlessly before deciding to watch Die-Hard. Milo jumps up onto the couch and snuggles in, I give him a lil smooch on his head before getting comfortable.

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