C1 - Fuck You

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Chapter One

Fuck you


Scarlett's POV

"On my call," I speak quietly into my ear piece, peering around the rotting crate to get a better look at the target from my squatted position. The sun beats down on my exposed cheeks, and I pray to myself that I don't get tan lines around my sunglasses.

"Ready when you are, ma'am," Tyler, my right hand man, replies into my ear from his position across the boat shed. His voice is confident, not one doubt about our abilities in his mind. He knows this is another easy mission for us.

"Now." I give the hand gesture to start the attack.

"Back away from the shipment," one of my men, Leo, demands, and the whole team is surrounding the small group of targets in a split moment, their guns raised and ready. Not one ounce of fear evident from any one of them.

The four men jump apart in shock, immediately raising their hands above their heads in a panic.

These idiots really didn't think we'd catch them.

Part of me feels slightly disappointed that they haven't put up a fight. This job is beginning to become much too boring these days, we had gained so much power and respect that it was rare anyone would try to challenge us. It has been a while since any of us truly faced any action.

When people hear that we are after them, they already know that they've lost.

"On your knees," Tyler commands them with complete control, and they do as they're told. The team strip them of any guns and weapons before going back to their positions. Following all protocols to a T, as always.

My men stay in their formation, guns trailed steadily, waiting for their orders. Just as they have been trained to do, by me.

"Vincent, check for pulses," I command, and Vincent makes quick work checking for pulses on the few scattered bodies of Luciano's men.

Luciano Flores, the head of the Italian-American Mafia. A genuinely frightening man that controls the majority of the streets in the majority of the states. More importantly, he's our boss.

He's going to be so pissed when he hears about this.

"We've got a runner!" Francesca's voice comes through our earpieces. She's back at headquarters with the others, keeping track of the situation through our body cameras and local CCTV.

"I've got them." I confirm to Francesca and my team on the ground, secretly excited to have been given a bit of action. I take off in the opposite direction of the team, searching rapidly for the fifth man.

I spot the man heading for the docks; running for his life.


It's not long before I'm hot on his trail, dodging and ducking the obstacles in my way as I get closer and closer. The adrenaline pumping through my veins almost causes me to giggle with glee, but that would probably seem psychotic.

I grab my gun from its holster as I run, releasing a singular shot that lands in the back of the man's thigh. He crumples to the ground, crying out in pain as the blood starts to trickle down the back of his leg.

I stand over him, before grabbing his hands behind his back and pulling him to his feet, back towards my team inside the large boat shed.

"Try anything and the next shot will be to your head."

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