C6 - Duty Calls

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Chapter Six

Duty Calls


Xavier's POV

I stride down the many halls of Luciano Flores' mansion, following calmly behind my father with the group of his most trusted men.

Even though both Mafia's had mutually decided to work together, I still felt on edge. But then again I always feel on edge, I think that just comes with being a Mafia boss' son. The heir to his royally fucked up throne.

Trust was something that didn't come easily to me, or anyone in this industry really.

Eventually we reach a large elevator, and we all step in, still in a professional silence. We were being led to Luciano's HQ by one of Luciano's most trusted men. His name is Eduardo.

He looks strong and holds himself well. You could tell he held a lot of power here at the mansion.

In a matter of seconds the doors opened back up and we were in another hallway, only now we were god knows how many feet underground.

He leads us to one of the doors, entering many codes into the digital lock beside the steel door, before finally scanning his handprint. The amount of high technology in this place is impressive.

The sound of the lock clicking open echos in the quiet hallway. Eduardo pushes open the door and steps inside. We follow.

The room is large, with smaller rooms coming off it. In this large room there are walls of screens displaying different information, and many computers. Nerdy looking men and women sit at their monitors typing frantically, not even acknowledging the presence of 15 strangers entering their lair.

They must really trust the security of this place.

He leads us past the desks and people, and heads for one of the doors. It opens to reveal a decently sized room that looks as though it is used for the mission briefings. Ours looks fairly similar.

There is a long glass table in the middle of the room surrounded by many black leather chairs, and we all take a seat. We face towards the front where Luciano stands in front of a large screen. My father shakes his hand before joining us at the table, taking the seat next to mine, as always.

A young woman enters the room with a stack of thin brown folders, handing one to each of us. I open the file immediately.

Mickey Silverton, the first sheet reads. His cold eyes stare back at me and I become all too eager to find out the crimes of this man.

Luciano speaks quietly to one of his men before dismissing him from the room, and I take the time to flick through the rest of the pages of the file each of us had been given.

The door opens and Luciano's trusted team step into the room, each dressed in their uniforms of all black tight tops, utility vests, cargo trousers and boots. They each have their own utility belt, holding their knives, guns and other weapons.

They look badass, and they mean business.

My eyes instantly fall on the young woman leading the group as they fill into the room and the empty seats, her sleek black ponytail giving her such a sexy and dangerous appearance. I feel my hands tighten on the file at the sight of her, and my stomach drops.

The girl from last night.

Images of her naked in my bed last night flash into my brain, and I have to seriously focus to stop myself from getting an erection in this room full of burly men.

The Mafia's Hit GirlNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ