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Bright is annoyed by Neen's behavior at the restaurant hotel, he keeps wiping his lip. He hooks into the car and tells Devid to go straight to his condo, the older man looks at his wristwatch at 5 pm in the evening. Bright decides to cook dinner for his love. And making up with Win, no more fighting between them. When the youngest prince opens the door, the silent vibe inside the condo welcomes him, he knows that Win is late coming back home. But who was the latest back home was him, and the younger man always waited for him with food on the table.

Bright doesn't know why suddenly he feels sad, afraid to be alone in his condo, his baby Bentley and Cartier are at Phi Toey's store. In this atmosphere, the youngest prince was not used to it, so he walked to the living room and saw the big photo on the wall that he and Win were shooting on their trip to Japan. The smile of Win is so pretty and pure, Bright missed the younger man so much for the whole day.

"Today, no matter what. I'll be making up with Win. It so hard not talking to him. Hmm__ I'm so fucking missing him." Bright says to himself alone in the living room.

Bright took off his jacket, rolled up his sleeve walking to the kitchen, and opened the refrigerator looking for the ingredient.

"What kind of foods that I can cook.??" Bright mumble alone with himself.

Then Bright closes the door of the refrigerator, takes out his phone searching for a food menu on the website. While he scroll up, the link to the hot news showed up on his screen phone. The youngest prince clicks open the news, what the shocking news is the rumor about him and Neen.

What the news was talking about??

The Powerful Youngest Prince of Thailand And The Famous Beautiful Model Young Lady Naneen is secretly dating at the Top Five Hotel in the middle of Bangkok City.

Bright quickly opens the site, then his scene where Neen kisses him shows up. What's the wrong idea? Most of his side looks like he is kissing Neen.

While the youngest prince reads more about the news, Dean and Devid knock on his condo door and ask the youngest prince to open up the door. Bright opened the door and let his two assistants go inside.

"What is this ??" Bright asked his assistant.

Dean takes out his Ipad that he was investigating who is posting the news, which the company has the youngest prince photo. Bright took the Ipad from Dean, seeing that IMP Star Paparazzi posted the news. The youngest prince clenched his palm uptight so that they were brave enough to post his photo on social media. He'll sue this company down and never come up again.

"How can they get inside the hotel and Devid you don't notice this??" Bright said the place that Neen arranges is for the VVIP, and for those who come on a need to book or from famous people it is hard to book.

"I stayed at the entrance for the whole time, no one coming." Devid reason out to his boss.

Devid is shivering bone inside his body because right now the youngest prince's eyes are burning like oil playing with fire.

"I feel like the spy knows the plans of the youngest prince to go to dinner with young lady Neen. And one thing, I am curious, how can they shoot the photo so clean and the place looks like the youngest prince kissed young lady Neen." Dean said, explaining all the information that he suspected to the youngest prince.

Bright is looking at the news again, suddenly something clicks on his head like a boomer. WINNIE, did he see the news??

"Dean, how many hours have the news been posted on social media.??" Bright asked his assistant.

𝑲𝒏𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕 𝑺𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝑰𝒏 𝑨𝒓𝒎𝒐𝒓Where stories live. Discover now