Day 1

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A/N Disclaimer: I do not own the 39 Clues and it belongs to the original writer.

Italics is for thoughts

It had been 4 years since the fight with the Vespers. Dan Cahill was busy playing video games, as usual. when his sister, Amy Cahill, interrupted him.

"DAN!" she shouted. This was a sound Dan was long used to hearing.

"Yea?" he yelled back.

"Come downstairs!"

"Wait!" he said.

He paused his game and walked out of his room. Grace Cahill's mansion had always been huge and elegant, but now you could really see the influence of Dan and Amy on the house. There were posters, memorabilia and all sorts of decorations. 

He reached Amy, who was at the breakfast bar, eating pancakes. 

"Sit down." she said, as she pushed a plate with a stack of pancakes on it towards him. He obeyed her and started eating. 

"So I have to tell you something. Jake and I have been planning a trip for a little while now and we're leaving next week. I would've told you earlier, but nothing was finalized."

Of course they are.

Amy and Atticus's boneheaded brother had been hopelessly in love for years now. It made Dan sick to the stomach.

'So what?" he asked.

"Well you'll be here all alone for a week." she replied. 

Awesome! A whole week without Amy! I could eat whatever I want, watch as much TV and play every video game in the arcade!!!!

Amy interrupted his thoughts once again.

"I didn't want you to be completely alone at our house, so I took the liberty of inviting someone over until I'm back." Dan sighed. There goes his week of relaxation.

"Who?" He hoped it was someone interesting. He didn't want to spend his week with soemone who was boring.

Amy took a breath. Now it was evident that it wasn't going to be someone Dan would enjoy spending the week with. 

"Natalie Kabra." she said. 

What! Why would she invite her?

Before he could start yelling, Amy started explaining. 

"It'll be good for us if we start mending our relationship with other branches of our family. One such is the Lucian branch. Me and Ian were talking about it and you and Natalie are always so hostile."

"Amy of course we are. Who in their right mind would get along with the Cobra girl?"  Amy gave him a look. 

"I doubt Natalie agreed to it. This is just going to end up making everything worse." he told her, hoping she'd agree. 

"I'm not going to argue with you. Just please be nice to her. We need this to go well." He stayed silent and ate his pancakes. 

From his peripheral vision, he could tell she was being sincere.

"Fine whatever. I'll be nice to the Cobra." She gave him a weak smile, and he went back upstairs, to his game.

He shouldn't have bothered though, because he couldn't concentrate. Amy is his sister, she's supposed to look out for him. Why would she leave him with a girl like that.

A girl that thinks she's better than everyone else. A girl who's been spoiled all her life. A girl who's ambitious and knows what she wants. A girl who manages to always look beautiful.

Wait what?

The next week ***************************************************************************

Natalie was annoyed. Her older brother was making her stay with Dan for a whole week and she knew it was not going to be fun. The second Amy asked, Ian agreed. The poor boy was still infatuated with her, even though he knows she's taken. 

She shook her thoughts away and rang the doorbell. She waited a few seconds and then Dan opened the door. She was taken aback for a second. She hadn't seen him for a while and he had certainly changed. He wasn't the awkward boy he once was. He'd grown up. 

"Well aren't you going to invite me in Daniel?" she asked.  

"Its Dan, and sure. Come on in Nat." he said. Even his voice took her by surprise. She walked inside and her butler brought in a trail of suitcases. All necessities of course. 

"Follow me to your room." She looked around. 

She hadn't seen the inside of the mansion, and it was a lot to look at. It wasn't as luxurious as her house in London, but it was nice. He led her to a room with pale purple walls. Her favourite colour. She turned to thank him, but he was already gone.

Natalie ushered for her butler to put all her belongings in the appropriately sized walk in closet. Then, she hurried into the attached bathroom to wash up. 

She changed and sat in her bed. She tried to sleep, as it was late, but all she could think of was Dan. A little while later, she finally fell asleep, wondering how the week would go.

How was that? I like how it turned out. I'm just gonna say, a lot of Datalie/Natan book are left unfinished, so I vow to finish this. I may not be able to update frequently, but I'm gonna try to get a chapter out each week! ENJOY!!!!!


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