Day 3

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Hii!! It's finally here: Part 3! Also, I'm 17TH ON THE 39 CLUES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you so much guys, it means a lot to me that you like this story.

Natalie P.O.V:

Yesterday was almost incredible. My morning was terrible, but I bought many amazing outfits and a really gorgeous ball outfit for Saturday. Today, I'm going to head down to a spa to relax. I really needed it and just as I was about to get dressed, someone knocked on the door.

"Come in!" I said. I turned and saw Daniel entering my room.

"What do you want"?

He looked at me and said "Well, since yesterday we did what you wanted and went to the mall, I thought we would do what I wanted today. " he said. He was obviously scared that I might inject him with poison, and that made me happy.

"Like what?" I really hope he doesn't make me go to an arcade or something. My video game skills are not great and I hate losing.

"I was thinking of a bike ride."

Hmmm. I thought about it. It won't be as relaxing as a spa day, but I do love bike riding and a bit of fresh air is always good,

"Alright. I'll be down in 20." I said and he looked up in surprise.

"K see ya then." he said and closed the door.

I put on a very simple black-t-shirt and jeans since I didn't want to ruin any of my prettier outfits with sweat. I tied my hair in a simple low ponytail, applied light makeup, and went down.

Dan P.O.V:

Yess! I thought. I wanted to get back at Natalie for the terrible shopping trip yesterday, so I planned the perfect prank.

Since she didn't bring her bike, I'm gonna tell her to use Amy's, but I'm going to install this little device that lets me control the bike and I'll steer her into the lake at the park. I had my most dedicated friend make it for me and I'm so excited

Natalie walked in as I was eating and my jaw dropped. Her outfit was really simple, but somehow she looked 10 times better. I quickly turned my attention to my food until she came and sat beside me.

"So when are we leaving?" she asked.

"Uhm.. whenever you want to leave?" I replied.

She thought for a second. "I'm gonna need a bike. Do you have any extras?"

"Yea we have Amy's." That seemed to satisfy her. Soon we left and I directed her to the park.

__________________line break as we remember Silena died a hero____________________

We rode our bikes and talked.

"What's your favorite tv show? " I wondered, trying to make small talk.

"Uhhhhh....Miraculous?"she looked at the ground.

"Haha seriously?? I love it too!" I said.

"Are you sure? Most people think of it as childish." I swear she turned a little pink.

"Yup. I love the action scenes."

"Really?? I'm only in it for the love story."

"Ok. If you're a real Miraculous fan, can you tell me which episode Tikki was sick and Marinette had to take her to Master Fu?" I asked.

"Princess Fragrance, although she didn't formerly know him as Master Fu at the time," she replied promptly. I was impressed. We nerded out for a while about the show, and I was having second thoughts about my plan when my hand slipped.

Natalie swerved and her bike went off the sidewalk, into the grass. I tried to bring her back, but it didn't work, the command had already been issued.

She screamed and tried to get off, but failed. Then, with a splash, she fell into the lake. I ran to her.

"Are you okay?"


I pulled her out of the water, and she saw the button on my bike.

"You did this?? How could you Dan?" she said and ran away, dripping water along the grass.

I really messed up. I found her on a bench, crying.

"Hey." She turned around.

I sat on the bench and tried to talk to her, but she stood up.

"Hey I'm sorry. That was really rude of me and I shouldn't have said that." She relaxed a little and sat back down.

"Obviously." she said, although she was still crying. I don't usually know how to comfort girls, but I gave her a hug. She leaned on my shoulder.

"I hit my foot on a rock," she mumbled and I remembered that her mom had shot her foot.

"I'm so so sorry." I took out my phone and called one of our assistants to come to get the bikes.

I picked her up, bridal style, and carried her to the car.

When we reached the house, I took her up to her room and found the first-aid kit. I picked her foot and she winced. Slowly bandaging it, I tried to heal it to the best of my ability. I was about to leave when she told me to sit beside her.

She put her head on my shoulder again and I looked at her. Our faces were inches apart. Slowly, she leaned in and I did the same and we kissed. Both of us were startled and I jumped up.

"Well I should probably wash up after the lake and you know the dirt and stuff." she said.

"Uh, yea probably," I mumbled and tripped on my way out. Standing up, I stumbled out and into my room. That was an odd day.

I had a ridiculous thought. Do I like Natalie Kabra?

Well how was that? I'm so sorry for updating sooner. Well anyways hope you enjoyed and next part will be next weekend or earlier if I feel like it :)

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