Day 2

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A/N I do not own any of the 39 Clues characters, they belong to \Uncl Rick, the troll (he threw Percabeth in Tartarus !!!!) I hope you enjoy

The next day, Dan Cahill woke up to Natalie Kabra resting her head on his shoulder. His first instinct wasto push her as far away as possible, but he couldn't bring himself to do it. She looks so peaceful . It was true. If anyone looked at Natalie Kabra as she slept there, you wouldn't have thought that she could kill you in under 2 seconds.

He shifted a little and tried to crawl away, without waking her. " Stop.....stay put..Ian." she mumbled, half-asleep.

"I'm not Ian!!!" he said and Natalie jolted upwards. "WHAT DID YOU DO????" she yelled at Dan.

"Hey! Ihave no idea! Besides, YOU'RE the one who feel asleep on me!"

"Well it's not MY fault! I don't remember falling asleep on you!" she countered.

They both blushed and awkwardly went back to their rooms.

_________________Nobody's line break_____________________________________________

It was about 1pm when Natalie Kabra knocked on Dan's bedroom door. She heard a fain "Come in" and walked inside. It was huge! There were multiple windows, a bed in the middle of a flood of items and video games neatly stacked on shelves.

"Hey! Be ready by 2 we're going to the mall." she declared in her British accent and walked off to get ready.

_____________________Ik Ik another time skip, I'm just lazy_____________________________

The limo stopped at the mall. Even though Natalie had been to many, many malls, something about this one made it look breathtaking. Maybe it was the amount of stores or all the designer brands. Or maybe it was the architecture. That had to be it. The mall was designed to look exactly like a castle from the outside, and as Natalie was about find out, the inside too. The towers glistened n the sunligh. It was afternoon, so the entire parkin lot was covered in the olden liht and Natalie looked up at the sun (A/N: Bob says hello T v T), fascinated by it.

They walked inside and as soon as Natalie saw it, she ran so fast she almost teleported, to Prada.

"Dan!!! Come look at this!" she pointed to a display of a striking pink dress and black suit with a matching pink tie. "It's perfect for the ball!" dhe exclaimed.

"What ball?" Dan asked.

"The one my friend is hosting this Saturday, and sice you're the only boy around, you're oin to take me to it." she stated, as if it was a fact.

"What, like a date?"

"Erm...Well I don't know.... It could be... err..." Natalie said, flustered and looking at the ground.

"Just kidding" said Dan and before he knew it, Natalie punched him in the arm so hard it felt like it was falling off.

"What was that for?"

"For bein a brat". She said and they both walked inside.

The nice store clerk let them try them on the second she saw their credit cards.

"Right this way"

Dan was first, After a few minutes of struglin, he walked outside the changing room and stunned Natalie. He looked amazing The suit fit him perfectly and for a minute, Natalie couldn't even speak.

________________________Dan P.O.V.______________________________________________

I tried on the suit Natalie showed me and man did it make me feel itchy. It was scratchy and weird, but for some reason, I felt inclined to do it for Natalie. (A/N It's called love you dweeb.)

When I walked out Natalie looked as if someone and told her Taylor Swift was behind her.

"Like what you see?" I asked, smirking. That seemed to bring her back to reality

"Of course not you dufus." she said and walked inside the changing room.

When she came out, it was my turn to become speechless. She looked like a princess. The dress was well suited for her figure. It brought more attention to her natural features.

"You like what you see?" she asked and I looked away.

"No! Let's get out if here. It's giving me stuck-up princess vibes."

I paid for the outfits and we walked around the mall again. Occasionally, she'd ull me into another fancy shop, but today did not go as planned.

How was that? Was the wait too long of was it fine. Also, anywhere else you want me to take them?

A Week With The Prada Princess (Datalie/Natan)Where stories live. Discover now