Luna s2

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Happy reading 😁

"Luna?" Dad snaps me out of my trance "are you oky?" He asks worried

"Yah am fine dad nothing to worry about" I yell him before he could look behind

" Oh oky , well you should think about persuing your dreams , you know am oky with that" he says

" Yes dad I know and I will" I answer but I feel my breath has been taken

I look over his shoulder and I see them, my eyes meet Lucas hazel eyes and then Derick's dark brown ones , his with an old friend of his by the bar , he raises his glass to me but I feel hurt from those years ago whilst I get horny from looking at Lucas so I keep looking at those even though he makes my panties wet

" Come let's go , I will have to go to the company tomorrow but I will see you in the evening" Dad again breaks me from my daze

"Sure dad it's oky" I say as we get up , I feel four eyes in me but two make me feel giddy whilst the other two make me feel hurt , I look back at Derick but pull away and state at Lucas who by the way looks hot in his attire

I smile at him and he winks which makes my cheeks feel hot , we both go up stairs and dad kisses my temples and wishes me a good night and I bead him to

I enter my room and sigh as I feel multiple emotions swirl in me , a knock on the door breaks my breathing exercise , I open the door hoping for it to be Lucas at least but I freeze when I see it's Derick

" Hey there sun shine?" He greets , his voice which gave me shivers to the core in a good way now is deeper and gave me shivers still to core but in a bad way , a very bad way

" D-Derick?" I ask , he smiles which gives me the creeps

" I just came to see you , so how was the rich school?"

" Why are you making small talk , I don't want to talk to you" I slam the door in his face

Oky time to admit the truth , I might have had a huge crush on Derick Deyson , it was so huge, I fell in the whole it created , all those years I thought I was stupid for thinking so and I was cause he fucked half of our school behind my back  and I still chose to take a blind eye when I found out , he even separated me from my only friend , my best friend ,Hannah

" Lu open up" I hear another deeper voice say

" And who are you!" I hear Derick ask

" Why don't you mind your own business, that's who I am" the voice says again

" She is my business and who do you think you are , you came from no where and fucked your self in our conversation!!" Derrick's voice gets  higher , at this rate if he continues dad will come out

I open the door and find them face to face , ready to fight , for me?

" Luca stop get in " I open the door wider for him , he smirks at Derick and enters " not you Derick go away" I tell him when he makes an attempt to enter

" But wh-"

" Derick you left all those years back now do what you do best , leave" I tell him as anger fills in me

"Fine , fuck that frat boy " he stomps off , his wrong , cause Lucas is not a frat boy , his a rich snob with a great dick  better than Derick who was a man whore with a plain Jane dick

" I think this my favorite attire on you" Lucas whispers as he wrapped his arms around me , I close and lock the door at the same time " it's short at makes your ass even bigger , to think my tutor looked this hot in her baggy clothes" he bites my ear lobe which makes me moan

" Lucas we---" " Luca" he cuts me off

" What?" " Its Luca to you , Lucas to anybody else , please continue" he whispers as he leans in on my lips , am facing him by the way

" Right Luca , we can't do this , it's wrong and plus we are different statuses" I say

" What?" He asks " I mean Luca , we can't keep having sex Everytime we meet , plus all we just had to do was for me to tutor you for you to learn and pass and play which you did and separate nothing more , go to Isabel she's more of your status" I say , he looks at me with questioning looks

He pulls me into his chest as one hand lays on my back as the other lays on my ass , giving it a little squeeze " Isabel was nice , but your way better ," ouch and thanks " and get this straight " he grabs my chin

" You are mine" with that he kisses me , hot ,hard and rough

Thanks for reading
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Krystal 🛸

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