Luna s2

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So yah , I got super horny and went and looked for Lucas and ended up having sex with him after an awkward request , it isn't the first but it was the best of the best , it even made me forget about that guy sam , who made me feel even more alive than Lucas can

" So what did you do today?" I ask him as I lay on his chest as he plays with my curls

"I played golf ,". " Only?". " Yah what about you?" He asked

" Well I spent time with my old best friend , we made up -"

" Why did you make up?"

" Well long story short , derrick used her boyfriend and told him to make fun of us as away to mande is humor "

" How?"

" He sent her boyfriend to ask me to be his valentine Infront if everyone during gym class and also Infront of Hannah , so she got pissed and left and I hadn't yet seen her till the other day " I explain

" What else did you do?"

" I made a new friend, his name is sam , his so funny and i found out we fall into the same boat of outcast and he knew how I felt " I went in and on about Sam , how he made laugh the jokes he said that made me laugh or how caring he was , and how he doesn't want sex from me but also my attention and so on , with each statement I feel the atmosphere change to a jealousy

" I think I will go" he says as he gets up , he doesn't look happy though

" Hey are you oky?" I ask as I look up at him , he was putting on his shorts looking pissed and offended

" Yah am fine ,I just remembered I had better things to do " he said but I felt hurt

" Oh oky , then I see you around?" I asked feeling hope

" Sure" with that he left but I still didn't feel contented with the answer but I decided to let it go ,maybe he needs space , when he wants me he will come


2 weeks  I haven't seen Lucas in two weeks , aft first I thought it would take two to three days but not this long

Not only do I miss him but also his company, yes the sex was good but something more was indeed included , I know I shouldn't fall for a guy who can't be mine but I can't help it

" Hey isn't that Lucas Sedama?" Hannah says as she points I turn and follow her gaze , she was pointing at Lucas with another girl by his arm that's not his sister ,cause I know his sister

The girl was blond and had fake boobs with alot of make up on her fake face , she had on a tight blue reveling dress thats alittle too much for Greece , they went and sat down at a far table while the girl kept on taking , I made eye contact with Lucas but he paid no attention as he looked away immediately , he rubbed his face with his hands indicating a sigh as the girl spoke , he looked at once again and decided to kiss , which he did

I couldn't help but feel hurt and betrayed by his action but I surpressed and continued my vacation

" Hey what are we looking at?" Sam asked as he sat near Hannah who was in the middle

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