Lucas s2

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4 months later

"Luna come in we are going to be late!" I yelled above the stairs , today we are going to meet the doctor , am super excited cause today we find out the gender

"Coming I just can't put in my shoes !!" She yells back

" Come and I will help you!" She comes down the stairs , her chest had grown but she didn't allow me to feel them , her feet her grown to and her belly was way bigger than normal , I admired her as she came down carrying my child

" Here" she hands me the shoes out if breath

" Bed and help her with her shoes " come let's go I can't wait" I said very happy about it

" Your really happy are you " she said in a stern tone

"Yes" I don't bother to hide my smile as we enter the car

We drive to the to the hospital and we enter the ultra scan

" Oh my__" the doctor says

" What what's wrong , is it oky?" I asked in a panicked tone

" Actually , they are all fine " she says with a big smile

I look at Luna and she held the same expression on her face " what do you mean?" Luna asks her

" You see , your having triplets " the doctor says with a big smile

" What!!?" Me and Luna yell as the doctor nods yes

" I will excuse my self , I will see you two later " with that he leaves

" Omg Lucas , we having twins!" Luna says in a happy tone while I on the other hand am freaking out "Luca ? Lucas?!!"

" Yes?"

" Are you oky you kind of zoned out there ,are you scared " she tried to get up but fail so I helped her up " don't worry papi , it will all be fine and dint worry I will be right here"  she says which calms my nerves alittle

" Yah"

"Oh we could even be super parents " she says while laughing making me laugh

" I see you have calmed out , so are you ready to find out the genders?"


We drive to my parents house, we told them about the pregnancy about a month after when her belly begin to show , they were all happy about and her father took me aside and told me if it wasn't for his daughter he would have killed me for making his daughter pregnant

"Ready ?" I ask her as we reach the front poach

" Oh yeah am just hungry" she says as she looks up at me " ring the damn bell Luca I also want to pee!" She yells I was about to ring the bell when Mom opened the door

" Oh dear , your belly is big for one child , I where are my manners come in " mom invited us in and m she ran straight for the restroom

"She had to go really bad" I tell her and she gives me a small smile

" I understand since I have been there , now come in " she drags me into the house till the living room where every one was gathered

My dad ,her dad , Jenna Hannah ,my grand mother , wait what back to that later, her mother , she half sister And brother and all

" Great I have the results the doctor has just sent them in!" My grand mother say with a wide smile , she might look old bit she has a young voice

" Oh what is I want to know?!" Luna said as she ran from the restroom , she stood near me and waited with a big smile

" Well my dear let's check" Grama say as she opens her email   she hides it from everyone and scans it to see what is in it

We all waited patiently for her to tell us the good news but she remains quiet

"Mom!" Dad yells snapping grama out of her daze

" Oh right , um wow" she said

" What is it?" Aunt Devi asks as the tension grows

" Oh don't get it wrong it's all alright I just __" she trails off

" You just what mom?" Dad asks again

"I just never saw any one in our family guy birth  to triplets" she says making everyone smile

" Oh my dear!" De i say as she hugs her daughter

" So what's the gender?" Her father asks , with the time I have knowen and from what Luna told me , is that he's very hyper to such things but shows off a cold face

" Oky?" grama scrolls through her email and reads it out loud " two boys and one girl!!" She yells for everyone to cheer up

I froze two boys and one girl , am going to have a baby girl

"And boys" Luna whispers in my ear

" Huh?"

" You are going to have a little girl and two boys , always include them" it's like she always knows what am thinking

" I always do" she smiles and she moves to hug the family

" Now I see why it's huge!!" Hannah says making every one laugh

I can't believe am starting a family

 Luna $ Lucas Story (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now