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!   Rapid Fire Introductions  !

☆ Story will be told in: 3rd Limited (New)

☆ All Alpha/Beta/Omega aspects is Traditional: Animalistic characteristics, oppression towards omegas is a main aspect of the story, heats happen once a year and are referred sometimes as Seasons (Since it only happens once a season lol). Mpreg is discussed and has happened in the past, but Newwie won't get pregnant 
(Unless you guys want it...) 

☆ Children are not born with their second-gender (Alpha/Beta/Omega). When a child starts to go through puberty one can make guesses of what their child will present as, but one cannot know until they go through the process of Maturing. Maturing is the phase used for when I child gets their first heat/rut. 

☆ Omegas or more likely to face oppression in small conservative villages. It is stereotyped that omegas are just housemakers and should not be educated since all they will do is care/make children. In more urban cities these perspectives are changing, giving better opportunities to omegas, but there are still those who believe this way of thinking.

Character Cheat Cheat

 Off 'Jumpol' Adulkittiporn [Alpha]  [Age: 30]
("A man with very little to say, yet when he does speak he can rather rude. New tried to avoid his eyes and keep a close ear to the walls to make sure Gun was never in trouble.")

Gun 'Atthaphan' Phunsawat [Omega]  [Age: 27]
("He was like the perfect Omega, everything parents want their children to be and more. New felt it was cruel in a way, to be the posterchild for stereotypes, regardless Gun was incredibly kind. New couldn't help, but look to the other as a Mother figure he lost the day he matured.")


Chimon 'Wachirawit' Adulkittiporn [Has not presented yet]  [Age: 6]
("Chimon was a bundle of energy, the little boy ran up and down the hallways like the floor was his personal race track. New couldn't help, but feel endeared even if it was a little annoying to hear the boy's thundering steps early in the morning.")

Win 'Metawin" Adulkittiporn [Omega] [Age: 10]
("Win was one of those early bloomers, he smelled sweet and it was no doubt he was an omega with a face that soft. New couldn't help, but feel a sense of understanding with the young boy-- both of them had their dreams crushed early on.")

Apartment 2B 
New 'Thitipoom' Techaapaikhun [Omega] [Age: 20]
("Equipped with a heavy suitcase, a plane ticket for a city miles away, and a pep in his step, New left bumfuck nowhere to begin a new life.")

Apartment 3B
Tay Tawan Vihokratana [Alpha] [Age: 30]
("Whoever that guy in 3B was, he must be the bringer of chaos or was secretly holding someone hostage... What else could explain sudden loud bangs and the occasional string of colorful curse words afterwards that permeated through the thin walls.")

Apartment 4B

Singto 'Prachaya' Ruangroj [Alpha] [Age: 28]
("Singto gave off the vibe of a prince who was good to be true. New knew the alpha was humble and kind, but he couldn't help the fear that the other was secretly looking down upon.")

Krist 'Perawat' Sangpotirat [Omega] [Age: 27]
("Krist always had something exciting to say and whenever you made the unfortunate fate of locking eyes with him you would be stuck listening to him until he realized he had held you up for ten minutes. One may think this was a terrible trait to have, but New loved every story Krist told.")


Fiat 'Pattadon' Ruangroj [Has not presented] [Age: 9]
("New always felt bad for Fiat. He was at an awkward age where he was too old to play with Chimon and too young to understand Win. It was really no wonder the boy tended to be hide away on his phone rather than go outside... Much to Krist's hatred.")


Earth 'Pirapat' Watthanasetsiri [Alpha]
"Earth was the security guard for the apartment building. He had a hulking body, a towering stature, but was as excitable as a puppy. Even if he was the nicest person, the most alpha-unlike-alpha New has ever met, his big build still made him wary" )

Mix 'Sahaphap' Wongratch [Omega]
( "Mix owned the veterinary clinic two shops down from Gun's café. Sometimes the omega came in to get a coffee or pester New until he felt like his head was going to explode."

[ If more characters show up I will come back and add them :-) ]

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