Chapter 21: Survivor

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TW: Mentions of Rape

Draco's P.O.V:

I waited outside Hermione's dorm room. I heard the occasional passing comment between her and Ginny until the door clicked open and she protruded from inside the room. "Ready?" I asked
"Yeah" She replied, a smile spreading across her face. I held her hand as she wrapped her fingers around my palm. Planting a kiss on her cheek, she giggled. "It feels weird that it's already been six weeks."
"Yeah but we've got potions so, I guess, that makes things worse." I laughed at her remark. Snape had been rather... on edge, recently. He barked words at poor first years whenever they asked him something and he spat hateful comments at me and Hermione. "It won't last!" He had shouted only two days previous. We marched into the potions classroom and chose our seats next to each other. I heard Snape growl slightly as we kissed. I tried my hardest not to laugh, biting my tongue before making any jokes against the professor. Once everyone was packed into the classroom, Snape shouted, "Each and every of you rats are going to learn this year! You're all going to be fucking sorry for all of the snide remarks all of you little shits have been saying about me! Open your books to page 54 now!" Many stifled giggles and Snape knew. "Shut it!" He growled at each of the people seated at the front. It was going to be a good lesson.

Hermiones P.O.V:

Nothing much happened during class. Me and Draco held hands and whispered things to each other but we mostly just read and was silent. After the class I was requested by Snape to stay behind. Draco kissed me goodbye while I promised that I would see him afterwards. As soon as the door snapped shut, Snape spoke. "Miss Granger?"
"Yes professor?"
"I see you are dating Mr Malfoy?"
"Y-Yes sir."
"Mm" He muttered, "I do not believe you two are made for each other." I felt my cheeks go hot with embarrassment. Was I really talking about my love life with my professor? "And why would that be?" I asked, my voice quivering slightly, even though I tried to remain strong.
"I believe you would look better with me."

Draco's P.O.V:

I hung around the library, deciding that Hermione would come straight here after her meeting with Snape. But twenty minutes passed and she was still yet to show up. So I explored her dorm and I only found Ginny.
"Whoa." I said as soon as I walked in, shielding my eyes.
"Sorry!" I instantly walked out. I could tell what was going on. There was a boy under the sheets and they were.... I didn't want to think about it. I instantly ran to my dorm and hid in my bed. I imagined that Hermione would be in bed by now during passing period so I thought I'd just relax. She'll be fine. I told myself.

Hermione's P.O.V:

"Excuse me?" Snape swiftly flew off his chair and placed his hand on my waist. I peeled off his veiny grasp and shuddered. "You heard me." He whispered.
"Sir, you do realise that the phrase is a figure of sp-" I was cut off by the strong sense of Snapes kiss. I attempted to push him away but he was too strong against me and I had to slowly suffer. When we eventually parted, I spoke with a rather loud tone. "Proffesor! This is entirely against the rules of Hogwarts and, quite frankly any school that is decent enough to realise that sexual interaction between a pupil and a teacher is entirely inappropriate!"
"I'm waiting to get fired anyways. Might as well not waste it on a pathetic reason."
"Proffessor! You are quite frankly the pathetic one here!"
"I like girls when they're feisty." I cringed at his comment. I felt like I wanted to wring his neck with my bare hands but I couldn't find the strength to do it.
"Miss Granger?" His nose was practically touching mine, despite my protests.
"Say yes."
"I now have your consent."
"What?! No! No you don't!" But it was too late. I felt his hand scrape against my inner thighs. I was by no means aroused by this perverted teacher. I tried to scream.
"Brightest witch of her age? I soundproofed the room. You're all mine now." He stared into my eyes with malicious intent. I broke the contact. I felt his hands touch my chest and pushed me against the wall. The cold stone wall was felt, even through my shirt. He breathed in my scent as I tried to fight off his travelling hands. "Get off of me you weird fuck!" He fumbled in his pocket and pulled out his wand. I tried to run but the last thing I heard was "Stupefy"

Oooh cliffhanger. Okay so I was reading some fucked up Snamione Fanfics and I came up with this masterpiece with my sister so enjoy... idk what to say lol.

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