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Todoroki was now nearly 3 months into his pregnancy. His baby bump had gotten bigger and you could see it when he wore certain clothes, which made him feel very embarrassed to go out so he only wore very baggy clothes when he went out anywhere. Bakugou always stayed with him, even if Todoroki could be annoying sometimes. He could go from screaming and yelling to crying his eyes out then perfectly fine within a few seconds. But Bakugou still put up with him. In fact, Bakugou thought this would be the best time to ask Todoroki to marry him. They'd been together for years and were having a baby together, it just seemed right. Bakugou decided to take Todoroki to a fancy restaurant for a date where he was gonna propose to him.

"Oi, are you nearly done getting ready?" Bakugou said as he walked into the bedroom. Todoroki was sat on the bed with a big coat wrapped around his body. "Babe, it's pretty warm tonight, I don't think you should bring a coat." Bakugou said as he came to sit next to Todoroki.
"Well, I'm pretty cold."
"Can't you just use your quirk to heat yourself up?" Todoroki's face flushed a pink colour and he looked away from Bakugou.
"I... feel embarrassed when people can... see my... belly bump." Todoroki said as he wrapped his arms around the bump. Bakugou pulled Todoroki's arms away from his body.
"I don't give a damn what people think. I think, damn, I KNOW you're beautiful, and it doesn't matter what dumb extras think." Bakugou kissed Todoroki's head.

They got to the restaurant and Todoroki was trying to hide his belly away from people.
"I wish I brought the coat..." Bakugou heard Todoroki mumble.
"Come on, you look so pretty." Bakugou said as he took Todoroki's hand. They were seated and they ordered.
"You're gonna get the soba, aren't you babe?" Bakugou chuckled.
"Yep. Spicy curry I'm guessing?"
"You know me so well babycakes."

Todoroki was constantly looking around to see if anyone was looking at him.
"Babe..." Bakugou said. "You look great, okay? You shouldn't be so nervous." Todoroki gave Bakugou a weak smile. Bakugou reached into his pocket. His heart skipped a beat when he felt the ring box. Am I sure I should do this... Bakugou thought as he tapped on the ring box.
"Everything alright babe?" Todoroki asked. Bakugou looked up in response.
"Yeah everything's fine, honeypie."
They continued to eat their food while Bakugou was preparing to propose to the love of his life.
"Are you sure you're okay babe?" Bakugou took a deep breath.
"Look baby..." Bakugou said as be took Todoroki's hands. "I've been madly in love with you for so long, I love you so, so, so... so much. And now, since we're having a baby together, I thought this would be the best time for this. Shoto Todoroki..." Bakugou stood up and got down on one knee which was followed by a loud gasp from Todoroki.
"Would you make me the happiest man in the world and be my husband?" Bakugou's heart was racing a million miles an hour. Todoroki was crying.
"YES! YES I WILL BABE!" Todoroki said as he jumped on top of Bakugou and hugged him tight. People around them started clapping as they lay on the floor in tears. They both stood up as Bakugou kissed Todoroki's head and knelt down to kiss his stomach which caused him to blush.

They went home that night and snuggled in bed.
"Aww, I love you so much babe." Todoroki smiled.
"I love both of you more than anything in this world." Bakugou gently ran his hand across Todoroki's belly, causing him to blush. "Always remember that, okay?" He leant forward to kiss his head.
Bakugou woke up in the middle of the night. He looked over to Todoroki who was snoring gently with his arms around his chest. Bakugou couldn't get over how adorable he was. He couldn't believe this was the man he was going to marry. He kissed his forehead and tried to go back to sleep.

"My Baby..." A TodoBaku Pregnant Todoroki StoryWhere stories live. Discover now