Chapter 12

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I take Octavia to Talon's cave, following the familiar pathway. Darkness falls over us as we finally reach a large rock making me stop.

Octavia turns to me before looking around. "Where now?" She asks, very excited. I smile grabbing the rock and pushing it away.

"Let me go first." I tell her holding my arm out, stopping her from running in. 

I slowly walk in keeping Octavia at a safe distance behind me, I reach the bigger section of the cave peeking in. Only to find no one.

"Where is he?" Octavia asks reminding me she's still here. "Probably hunting, we can stay if you want." I suggest grabbing one of the wood sword that Talon and I have been using to help me train. 

"Wanna try?" I ask, holding on of the sword out in front of me. "I don't know how." She tells me glancing down at the sword. "I didn't either, but you learn as you go."

Octavia gives in taking the sword from me. I get into my fighting stance which she copies. "You're left handed?" I ask glancing down at her feet. "No." She mumbles confused.

"Switch your legs." I tell her kicking her right leg back gently. "Now attack." I demand making Octavia's face scrunch up. "I'll be fine." I assure her, bringing my sword up.

Octavia goes to hit my chest with her sword, leaving her stomach exposed giving me the chance to hit her. She stumbles back clutching onto her stomach. "Ow Aries." 

"Now you know not to leave yourself exposed." I chuckle as she stands up straight again. "Go again." I tell her, getting back into my fighting position. 

This time Octavia brings her right arm down, leaving her left near her stomach. Our swords smack together a couple times. I start getting tired though making me slide down, kicking Octavia's legs out from under her.

"What the hell." She mumbles as we both stand up. I chuckle as she wipes some dirt from her pants. 

"Again." I say this time attacking first. Bringing my left arm down, she blocks my attack making me smile. She clearly proud of herself as she's grinning ear to ear.

I strike harder this time, causing her to fumble back. Octavia quickly gains her balance before going to attack.  She moves forwards just for me to hit her chest with my right arm.

I grab her wrist flipping her over my shoulder causing her to land on the ground with a thump.

"You've gotten better." I hear Talon say making me whip around. He glances between Octavia and I before placing down his latest kill. Octavia stands up groaning about her back.

She walks up to him despite me grabbing at her arm. "Thank you for helping Lincoln." She says stopping in front of Talon, who gazes shifts between her and I. "Lincoln's my friend."

 I make my way over to the two, stopping next to Octavia. "Was a good plan." Talon says nodding to me. "It was a quick plan." I tell him placing my sword down.

"How's Lincoln?" I ask Talon who drags his deer farther into the cave. "He's fine, a little wounded but otherwise okay." He explains before pulling the deer up and dropping it on a large stone.

"Can I see him?" Octavia suddenly bursts out making me snap my head towards her. Talon quickly glances at me, then starts walking over to Octavia.

Once he passes me I quietly grab on of his daggers from the wall holding it behind me. Talon eventually stops in front of Octavia, towering over her.

I walk behind Octavia, gripping the dagger tightly. "It's too dark, if you come tomorrow I'll take you." Talon tells us stepping back from Octavia.

I slip the dagger in the waistband of my pants, covering it with my shirt. "Tomorrow's Unity day." I tell Octavia who scoffs. 

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