Chapter 41

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Our group reached the trading post pretty quickly after the small bump in the road. As I jump out of the rover as Bellamy told me to call it I hear rustling coming from inside the small building.

I walk forwards hearing someone behind me and I pick up the pace at the open door. I stop once I reach the doorway, watching a man throw around a blonde girl who can't be more then three years older than me.

"Hey!" I shout at the man as I take out a dagger. He turns to me as I throw my dagger, the blade lodging itself in the mans neck.

"Nice shot." Aidan tells me, lowering his gun as the rest of our group joins us. "Thanks." I mutter, slowly walking towards the woman. "Hi, hey, it's okay." I tell her, raising my hands up.

She finds her footing and her bloody panicked face stares at me. "Are you okay?" Bellamy asks, coming up behind me and I nod at him. "Are you alright?" He asks again this time to the woman in front of us.

Indra walks over to the now dead man, pulling my dagger out of his neck. "Bounty hunter." She tells the group and I step forward again. "We're here to help." I tell the woman in front of me as Indra looks around for any more.

"Clear, Jusreina." Indra tells me, coming back to my side. "English." Pike tells the woman next to me and I turn to my dad with a pleading look. "Pike, wait outside." Dad says and I mentally thank him.

"Take Monty and Hannah and search the perimeter." He tells him as the woman in front of me examines my face. "Make sure he was alone." Dad tells him, pointing towards the dead guy as I take another step closer to the woman.

"It's okay." I repeat myself to her as the others leave. "We're looking for Wanheda." I tell her and she turns her gaze to the man on the ground. "So was he." She tells us making me glance at Bellamy.

"Please, she's in danger." I beg the woman in English now that I know she speaks it. "They're Skaikru?" She asks me, nodding to the remaining men. "Yes."

"She was here last night." The woman tells us after hesitating. I look back at my dad then to Bellamy. "Did she say where she was going?" I ask and the woman shakes her head. "She was here when I was asleep and gone when I woke up."

"Did she give any indication where she could be going?" My dad asks coming up behind me. "No." The woman says, shaking her head again. I turn my gaze to the floor, picking at the skin around my nail. "But he did."

"He said his partner came back for her." She explains, glaring at the man on the floor. "He was Ice Nation." She tells us and I look eyes with Indra. "I hope you find her Jusreina." The woman tells me, taking one of my hands in hers.

"Thank you." I say, squeezing her hand. "Good news." Monty says marching in and I let the woman's hand go. "I found some fresh tracks."

"Great, start the rover." Bellamy says as we all turn around to the entrance. "That's the bad news, too many trees." Monty says and Bellamy sighs from beside me. "So we go on foot." I say nodding to the door for us all to leave.

"Sorry bout that." I tell the woman as I walk out the door, nodding to the dead man that she's going to have to remove.

We meet up with Pike and Hannah and start marching through the woods, following the horribly covered tracks.

Our group eventually reaches an open field will tall grass as our only cover. "You haven't told me what happened to dad." Monty says from behind me as I squint to keep the sun out of my eyes.

"All you father wanted was to find you." Hannah tells him and my own dad looks back at me from up ahead. "He loved you, that's what mattered." She says, avoiding his question.

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